Chapter Twenty

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"I think coming to the beach was a great idea, it's so pretty at night." Shilo said to Tate.

He smiled and rubbed her arm. "I'm glad you like it."

They were sitting on the sandy beach with a small fire lit to keep them warm as they cuddled one another, it had been pretty relaxing for them both, they'd got to know eachother a lot more, which meant they were getting closer.

Tate moved a little, looking into Shilo's green eyes that shone in the firelight.

"I think you're beautiful Shilo, I don't want this moment to ever end." Tate spoke, now sounding very serious.

Shilo smiled, moving forward and kissing Tate's lips. They kissed for quite a while, embracing eachother as much as possible.
Once they stopped kissing, they sat close together again.

"I used to come here all of the time, contemplating things, to be free." Tate spoke. "I loved it. I hated being surrounded by people, I hated my mum, school, everything."

Shilo hugged Tate closer.

"The only person that used to make me happy was my ex girlfriend, she then ditched me to hang with the 'cool' kids, to fit in." Tate said.

"What happened to her? Does she still live here?" Shilo asked.

Tate shook his head. "She moved away, to England I think."

Shilo looked up at Tate, but he was staring off into the distance with an angry facial expression.

"This world is a terrible place, everyone is made to fall and fade away. I hate it so much, I hate everyone." He said, then he looked down at Shilo and his face softened. "Except you."

Shilo blushed a little, but she didn't know what to say.

"You know." Tate began. "I've been thinking, and I discovered that you make me happy, not medication or talking to your dad. It's just you."

Shilo smiled and they shared another kiss, until they heard a group of teenagers yelling.  
They looked up and saw four kids walking down towards them, dressed up in good Halloween make-up.

"Great." Tate muttered as the group walked over to them.

"Aw, now would you look at this a cute little couple sitting on the beach togehter." Said a blonde girl.

The three other kids with her laughed, then a boy with a leather jacket stepped forward, kicking sand into the fire.

"Pathetic, acting like it's a romantic scene from a movie or something." He commented.

Shilo then spoke up. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Hey, looks like Tate's got a sassy girlfriend." The blonde girl said, staring at Shilo.

Tate frowned as Shilo asked. "You know them?"

Tate shook his head. "No, I don't know them." He replied, now standing up. "Who are you? How do you know me?"

They all laughed at him.

"You know who we are Tate, don't be stupid." A short brown haired girl spoke. "You did this to us."

They now all pointed at their fake bullet holes and blood.

"Bullshit. That's make-up." Shilo spat at them.

The girl now looked at Shilo. "I see you have a new girlfriend. I wonder what happened to that beautiful girl you used to date, Denise?"

"Shut the fuck up. I don't know you guys!" Tate now yelled, taking Shilo's hand and pulling her to stand up. "Come on Shilo, let's leave the freaks to play in the sand."


Shilo closed her bedroom door and turned to Tate. "What the fuck was that all about?" She asked. "Who were those kids? They knew you."

Tate sat on the edge of Shilo's bed, shrugging and looking lost. "I-I have no idea. I don't know what they want with me."

Shilo sighed, walking towards Tate and hugging him. As she hugged him, they both heard the group of kids outside.
Shilo looked out of the window to see them trashing the graveyard that her and her father had put together earlier.

"Right, that's it." Shilo said, grabbing a pair of sisscors and heading downstairs.

"Shilo, wait!" Tate called, but she didn't wait, she carried on going, opening the front door, storming towards them.

"Why are you doing this? Leave me and Tate alone! I don't care what beef you have with him, this is my house and I won't have you wrecking it just so you can speak to Tate, sort it out another time!" Shilo yelled at the four kids.

"We can't do this any other time, we need to sort it with Tate now." The blonde haired girl said.

Tate opened the front door and stood next to Shilo. "Shilo, leave it, go back inside, I'll sort it out with them."

"This was supposed to be our night Tate." Shilo said, turning and looking at Tate.

He frowned. "I know, and I'm sorry, but we'll do it some other time, don't worry."

He kissed Shilo's head, then moved forward. "You wanna talk to me? Then you're going to have to catch up with me."

Tate then started running down the pathway, with the four kids chasing after him.

"Shilo!" Someone said, making her turn. It was Constance.

"Yes?" Shilo asked.

"I'm afraid it's time to tell you something." Constance said, looking scared. "Come to my house and I'll tell you."

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