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• One year later • 

Paul and Amy headed up the pathway to their old house, hand in hand. 

"Are you sure that you're ready to do this?" Amy asked Paul. 

A tear rolled down his cheek and he nodded. "I'm okay, I just...I can't believe it. A year today since we lost our second child." 

Amy and Paul hugged, both crying manically now. 

"Mr and Mrs Chamberlin?" A soft voice asked from behind them. 

They turned, they were shocked to see Tate standing there with a nice beige jacket on, his hair had been cut slightly shorter and he looked well dressed, better. 

"Tate Langdon? You still live around here?" Paul asked. "How are you doing?"

Tate smiled warmly. "Yeah, I wanted to leave but I guess, there's something about this place which connects me to it, I can't be away from it for too long or I'd get too sad. Life's good, I'm feeling better, I think all of the sessions with you for that short time really helped. Thank-you."

Paul smiled a little, now wiping a tear from his face. "That's really good to hear Tate."

Tate smiled a little, then frowned. "How's life in New York?" 

Amy now spoke up. "Hard, still, I mean, we can't believe it, even if it has been a year. But we're getting there, we both have jobs now and we're planning to adopt sometime in the year." 

Tate nodded. "I can't believe it either. I'm glad to hear your life is improving since...Anyway, I just came here today too, just to pay my respects. I wanted to visit her grave but it's all the way back in Canada next to her brother. This is the closest place I know. I think about her a lot." 

They nodded. 

"Yes, you and Shilo were very close. And I wanted to say thank-you for keeping her company whilst we were away a lot. We realise now what a mistake it was to always leave her on her own, but in the end, you were with her, you made her happy." Paul said. 

Tate shook his head. "It's fine. I can't believe it still, things will get better though, and I'm sure she's in a better place now, with her brother." 

Paul and Amy smiled and nodded, both crying again. 

"Well." Tate began. "I better be off, I'm living with Constance for a while now. I hope you can pay your respects well. Good luck in life." 

They both nodded and said their good-bye to Tate, then they headed into the house, as he hid around the corner, then vanished. 


Shilo placed her hand against the glass as she watched Tate walk away and her parents walk towards the front door. 
Many familes had lived here since they had left, but today they asked Marie if they could use a key to pay their respects to Shilo.

She closed her eyes as she heard the front door close, just like she had heard many times before when living in the house. 
She could smell her parents, she could hear them muttering whilst looking around the house. 

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind, kissing her on her cheek. 

"I love you." Tate whispered into her ear. 

Shilo turned, hugging Tate back. "I love you too." 

"I can tell that we're going to be happy here forever. I love you so much Shilo Chamberlin, never forget that." Tate said, leaning back onto the ground. 

Shilo went to reply, but her bedroom door opened slowly, she vanished from human sight, now watching as her parents entered the room, looking at the spot where Tate and a few other shadows had placed her body before. 

"It looks the same really, just without Shilo's belongings." Amy said, now walking right through Shilo. "Ooh, did you just get a weird feeling that we're being watched?" 

Paul grinned. "Maybe we are. Let's hope that it's Shilo watching us, I'm sure she's happy right now."

Paul kissed Amy on her lips as Tate stood up, taking Shilo's hand as she smiled at her parents. 
Shilo looked at Tate, grinning, he smiled back, then they left the bedroom and headed downstairs. 

"I can't wait for the next thousands of years being with you Tate. I'm happy that I came to this house, after everything. I'm finally at peace, and I was looking for that all along." Shilo commented. 

Tate smiled, placing an arm around her waist as they looked at Paul and Amy leaving the house. 

The door finally closed, and that was the end of Shilo Chamberlin's life. For good. 


Author Note: 

Okay, so I'm going to take this moment to thank EVERYONE who has bothered to read this story. It has been my favourite story to write as it's based on a TV show that I love so very much. 
Parts of it have been very challenging, but I've kept to a good amount of updating and I've got a lot of feedback. 

It means a lot to me that people have supported my work and will continue to do so. 

As you may be aware from that lovely ending there - It is the END of this story, there will be no alternative endings or sequels, I'm content with this as it is. 

In the future, however, I could possibly add some chapters with different character POV's for example: The final chapter could be re-written from Amy's POV, Paul's POV etc... 

Thank-you again for everything. 

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