Chapter Two

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•Los Angeles, CA, United States• 


Whilst driving down the highway, Joy Divison blaring from the speakers of her dad's car, Shilo looked out of the open window, frowning at the scene forming in front of her eyes.  

Her parents seemed pretty happy, for the first time in three years, they actually came across as happy people.

"Smile!" Shilo's dad, Paul grinned at Shilo through the mirror.  

Shilo blinked hard and looked up, meeting her dad's gaze in the mirror, she just gave a faint smile, more like the sides of her mouth twitching and then falling back into an everlasting frown again.

Amy, her mother, turned and smiled at her, with hope in her eyes. But Shilo just seemed to look on and not pay attention to her mother, she noticed her mum look hurt and turn away again.

"You know, you can't be sad all of the time Shi." Paul spoke up again, looking at her every now and again through the mirror, but also trying to keep his eyes on the road.

Shilo shrugged. "I just want to go home." She muttered.

"Well, this is going to be our new home darling. You'll just have to get used to it, we're not going back to Canada again." Amy butted in.

There it was again, the annoying silence was back, seeping through the car windows.

Shilo sighed, biting her lip and gazing out of the window again. Her chin length, straight violet coloured hair was blowing in her pale white face again.
Shilo was naturally 
ginger, but as she was bullied most of the time at her old high school, when she turned sixteen last year, she begged her parents to let her dye it, and they caved in. 

Her dark shades were covering her emerald coloured light green eyes.
She had turned seventeen just two months ago, she only had one more year of school left, and then she was free. Free from all the torment kids gave her all of the time. 

Most kids called her a witch, others, a freak. She was known as so much, but the one thing which really lead to her depression, was being called 'sibling killer.' That always pissed her off.


Today, they would be looking at different houses here in LA, then they would be staying at her Aunt's house until they moved in somewhere.  

Shilo wasn't looking forward to this at all, she cried and cried when her parents told her they were moving from Canada. She hated leaving, she even clinged onto the old wooden stair railing in the morning they were meant to leave. Her father had to pull her legs so hard that she eventually let go.

Shilo leant back and closed her eyes, listening to the music. 'Shadowplay' by Joy Divison began playing. Shilo smiled, she liked this song.  

She listened to the lyrics, tapping her feet to the beat of the drums.

Shilo was also known as an outcast at school because she was into different music and fashion. She was also rebelious, she'd smoke and talk back at teachers, she'd get into several fights just because some popular girl would throw an insult her way. 
She tended to laugh it off, but when someone would cross the line, that's when she was known for crossing the line also.

She was suspended for at least thirty days each year, due to fighting, burning something when she got bored, not listening, or not following the small dress code, which was clearly stated in the rule book handed out to students each year, and that was.  

'No crazy coloured hair, no piercings, no leather boots, skirts or jackets. The main one though, was an overall ban on the 'shade' black as they'd describe it.'

Shilo found it blithe, because no matter how many times they'd send her home, shout at her or suspend her, she'd always come back into school with the violet hair, lip ring, nose ring, and of course, black leather jacket, skirt and boots.
Paul and Amy tried to scold her and teach her how to be a polite young lady, but she wouldn't listen at all, she didn't care what people thought about her. It was her body, her life, she was in control.
She liked dark make-up, clothes, music and just darker things in general.

"We are finally here, at the first house." Paul spoke up as the song finished playing.  

Shilo hadn't even realized that they'd been driving slowly for the past twenty minutes.

She sighed, opening the car door and clambering out, at least now she could stretch her legs and get some proper fresh air.


Author Note: Hey. So it's only the second chapter and I've already had an AMAZING reaction to the story so far. I'm really excited to share the rest of the story with you all overtime.
At the moment I've got up until chapter nine totally written and I've shared it with friends and family, which have said it's really good, so I can't wait to get it up on Wattpad! 

The song "Shadowplay" which Shilo listens to a lot in the story as the lyrics kind of connect with the storyline is in the multimedia section ->

Also, the picture is what Shilo would look like, but her hair would be shorter of course and different peircings.

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