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Kristen's Pov

Mallory would be very hard to persuade. Especially since I couldn't really tell her the whole truth about why I wanted to leave the city or about the events that had taken place last night.

Along with not being able to fall asleep, I had a considerably hard time getting out of bed. So by the time I had dragged myself downstairs at around 11:30, Mal had made breakfast already. And had eaten a large amount of it. 

"Didn't sleep well?" She asked. Her eyes hadn't even lifted from her phone. Guess I had literally dragged myself into the kitchen. Most of the time, she doesn't hear me when I enter the room.

"It was alright."

Lies. And I could tell she knew I was lying. She let it go though, I think. 

"So it's Friday, why don't we go see your parents?" I asked as nonchalantly as I could. Not bothering to meet her gaze, I set to stuffing my face with bacon and coffee.

The silence was tempting me to spill my guts out, but I was determined to leave Gotham with Mallory in the dark as much as possible. Judging from last night's fight, she probably wouldn't like the idea of me having anything to do with professional hero work right now. At least we were on the same page about that.

"And why would we do that?" She asked, seemingly suspicious. I didn't answer. "Don't play games with me, Kris."

"They're basically my grandparents," I shrugged. She still looked skeptical. I guess that didn't work. "I thought about what you said, and I know it's not right to put you in this position. Maybe a break would help me?" 

I studied her facial features. She was testing my story in her head, which meant she was buying it.

"Okay, pack your stuff then."

Success! I pumped my fist in the air. Forgetting breakfast, I bounded up the stairs like a little kid. Though there was still some doubt about Scarlet leaving the city. Was I doing the right thing? I had no idea. Did I believe I was doing the right thing? Absolutely. At least, if some word got out about me, I could lay off some of the danger for a bit.

It had only been a matter of minutes before my closet was officially a wreck. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't really that clean in the beginning, but I just happened to be terrible at packing clothes.

A voice in my head was questioning every decision I was making. Would Bludhaven be safe? Will there be anyone like them there? Should I even bring the suit? My fingers paused over the red shirt. My utility belt sat in the small box in the corner of my closet along with my staff. Maybe I should pack the suit. Can never be too prepared, right? 


Startled, I dropped the shirt and rammed into the door. Great reflexes, Kris.

"I thought you needed a break," Mallory chided. If she was trying to scare me, she was kinda succeeding. The threat was clear in her voice. "If that was the truth, then you aren't doing anything related to your 'night job'." 

I cringed at the quotations. It wasn't like I was being paid.

"Fine. You're right." I placed the shirt back in the box, but hesitation was clear in my actions. Was she right? Too many questions. The bedroom door slammed behind me, and my question was answered.

I pulled the duffel bag closed and tossed on a plain grey tee-shirt, a black leather jacket, and skinny jeans. My flip flops echoed down the hallway as I sped to the apartment door, Mallory close behind me. She swung the keys around her fingers effortlessly. 

"So can I drive?"

"Nope," She replied.

"I know how, you know."

"I know," A smirk lit up her face. I rolled my eyes. It wasn't not fair, I wasn't allowed to make fun of her.


I think I fooled her, and myself. The drive wasn't bad and I had forgotten about the amazing doughnut shop right down the street from the Cresten's place. Any thoughts or indecision about what I was going to do tonight was temporarily erased from my mind.

I had also forgotten that Bludhaven was barely a step up from Gotham. There was actually sunlight, but people still hurried past and refused eye contact. May not be much, but it was definitely better from the hunched shoulders, and randomly jumped bodies in my hometown.

When we reached the small apartment, I was greeted with open arms. Mal never married, but her parents treated and spoiled me as if I was really their grandchild. I never met my blood grandparents, but they were the next best thing.

In my opinion, the day went by relatively smoothly. The large conversations revolved around what I've been doing, how I've been holding up since the funeral. The word 'funeral' or 'death' wasn't mentioned but I knew what they were implying.

After dinner, I had managed to sneak the box of cookies to the guest room. I flipped the light switch and turned on the t.v.. I don't even remember the last time I spent the night in. Like clockwork my mind returned back to the suit. My duffel bag wasn't stored away in the closet. I had opened in earlier to get my headphones, and apparently left it unzipped.

The scarlet color stared back at me, taunting me to put it on. No, don't do it. You came here to escape that danger. But the danger has that rush. The feeling of power.

That voice was back again, reminding me why I had created Scarlet in the first.

Then, I was out the window before my conscious had time to tell me to stop. This meant that I lied to Mallory. I've never done that before. But what I told her before wasn't the truth, so technically I was still on the clock for work.

Sitting on the roof of the apartment across the street, I powered up the radio on my wrist. I had it designed to pick up any police radio waves. "There's a robbery at City Hall. I'm pursuing. Immediate back-up requested!"

A robbery. Guess there's always a first time for everything.



A little shorter this time, and maybe a bit confusing, but I need Kristen to trust more people before I can explain. But maybe you can figure her mystery out on your own.

Basically, the next few chapters may be shorter than you are used to because of exposition. But yeah, hang in there.

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