First Time On The Job

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Kristen's Pov

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling fan above me. The only light in the room was streaming in from below the door. Everything about my surroundings was new and refreshed. I turned over on my side. The clock blinked 12:30 p.m.


The events of the night before came rushing back to me in waves. We had been up until 5:00 last night. Our conversation had ranged from our past to our pet peeves. It's like I've suddenly jumped back in time to first grade, playing around with snacks. I smiled to myself.

I sort of felt...normal again. Sleeping had reset my mind. Which in my case was good. Today Kaldur was issuing a squad for the mission. Now, I didn't feel so refreshed. What can I say? Just because it was a norm for me, didn't me I didn't get nervous.

"How you feeling?" The voice spooked me out of my thoughts. Unfortunately, I was lying on the edge of the bed. Being a hero means you aren't scared often, but when you are, reactions tend to be a bit over kill.

I landed on the floor on my back with a sickening thud. I didn't hit my head, but the breath was knocked out of me. Basically, the equivalent of being kicked in the chest. Nightwing was standing over me still in his pajamas. He must have slept on the floor.

"What the hell?!" My voice cracked a little. "I don't recall inviting anyone in for a sleep over."

He laughed and brushed off my outrage. Despite the blush rising on my face, I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "You were actually the one to fall asleep first. I had to carry you from the training room."

"So you slept in here?"

"Nightmares are never fun. No one was there for me and I thought I could do you a favor." He looked at the floor. For once I saw him look embarrassed. Nightwing was many things, but he was never embarrassed.

"Then, thanks." 

Silence stretched between us, but it wasn't awkward. I wanted to say something more, but I couldn't. My mind was blank. What else was I supposed to say?

I walked over to my dresser and began to clean up a bit. 

"What do you think we'll find in Santa Prisca?" There was no response. I know the whole thing has been a huge stress factor for him, but we needed to face the facts. Whatever we would find, would be bad.

"I don't even believe people will want to go on the mission in the first place." 

I pulled out a set of clothes, and my brush. I looked up in the mirror to see my horrible case of bed hair, but in the corner of my eye, I caught Nightwing standing in the middle of the room. He had no idea what to do. It was kind of funny.

"You can't say that. You were their leader for a year, a founding member. They aren't going to just forget," I paused waiting for him to respond in some negative way, but he didn't.

Nightwing cleared his throat, ruffled his hair, and started for the door. Maybe he had wanted me to say something else. "We should head down to the wreck room before anyone begins to panic."

Before I could agree or even possibly stop him, he was gone. I guess that came with training under the Bat.

Down in the wreck room everyone was still in their pajamas, if they weren't, they were dressed in civvies. I'm guessing I wasn't the only one who had a long night. By the tired looks on their faces, they probably had it worse.

Cassie was half asleep on the couch next to Robin, who was trying to hold up the weight of his girlfriend and finish whatever project was on his computer. M'gann was wandering around the kitchen in search of food. Conner just watched her with a worried look on his face. Artemis wasn't even there. She is one to sleep in and not give a single damn about what anyone says.

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