Here's To A New Start

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Kristen's Pov

I spent a whole week searching every archive I had access to. I even went over to Tim in Gotham to see if he could get anything on the famous Bat Computer.

There was rarely anything for me to do. You know, except for training. Even that's slowed from personal lessons to group sessions to self-training. We've had a lot of extra time on our hands since the League has been supposedly busy.

I just hated being in the dark. It's gotten to a point where I had come close to breaking the League encryption and reading their mission files. There had to be something to help the Team.

My fingers flew back and forth across the keyboard. Suspended in the air next to me was the artifact. I was having the computer scan it again and cross reference it with every ritual artifact known in the Middle East. Next, it will be Africa, and then South America. If I couldn't find anything, then and only then would I give it up to the League.

I brought my hands down to my sides and flopped down on the floor. My legs ached from the few hours I've been standing here. Earlier, Malcolm set a few of us out to guard a targeted bank transfer. There really wasn't anything we couldn't handle, but the constant back and forth wore me out a bit. 

"You need help with anything? I'm heading out," A voice rang out in the emptiness. I turned to the entrance to find Jaime, dressed in full armor. 

I shook my head and ran my hand down my face. He walked over to me anyway, with a curious expression. "No. For right now, I'm running it through the database. See if it will ping anything."

He focused on the object, mumbling to himself. Apparently his scarab talks to him, kind of like the way M'gann talks to us. But the whole thing made him just sound crazy. "I recognize this writing."

That got my attention. I stood right away, sending spots dancing in front of my eyes. "Where? What is it? Could you translate it?"

He was silent for a few seconds before his face lit up in excitement. "It's an ancient Biyalian dialect. The middle transcript is alien, but all of these symbols on the outside, they are definitely Biyalian."

He turned to look at me. I gave him a look, but he only sighed in response. "I only recognize it. Batgirl and Zatanna did a case on it a while back to reset my scarab and keep me from killing the Team. Or trying to at least. As for the alien part. The only possible translate is so completely bazar, and it doesn't make sense."

I pulled up the file I had written on the artifact and selected the writing transcribed in the middle of the tablet. 

"It says, 'To the one who lives in fire,' That's it."

Ugh, another riddle. Just great. But I forced on a smile anyway. "Thanks, Jaime."

He nodded and made his way to the door. As he reached the hallway, he spun back around so fast, it was a wonder he didn't get whiplash. "Are you coming to the New Year's Eve party?"

I continued to type down the words he said. "Isn't that in the Tower? I'm not a senior member yet. Besides, I have to finish up this report with the new info you just gave me."

"Well, think about it. I don't think Bats would mind. You're just as much a part of this Team as any of the senior members are," He nodded to me, and continued down the corridor to the main Hall, where the zeta tubes were.

Jaime said that Barbra was the one working on the case. I could talk to Zatanna if the League wasn't basically on lock down at the moment. This was going to be hard. The only way in would be through Batgirl's case files.

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