Code Red

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Kristen's Pov

I sat with my head in my hands on the steps in front of the zeta tubes. The Team and I sat impatiently on the top floor in the Tower. We hadn't even gotten out of our suits or caught up with ourselves before we were called up here.

And let me say this, I was really mad.

"This is pointless," I mumbled. I stood, a bit too quickly, and began pacing. Dick stopped his conversation with Tim and stared at me. "What?"

"You need to calm down before you go in there," He smirked, although I couldn't find anything funny. That mission was a complete failure, and he was smiling.

"Calm? We just had our asses handed to us!" I stopped, grabbing the attention of everyone else. "And the Justice League? Too busy to deal with the Light? I call bullshit!"

"She's right you know," Tim spoke up, looking from the floor to Dick, with a serious expression on his face. "Don't tell us you haven't noticed they've been a bit checked out lately."

"Are you serious? It's the League. This team was formed in spite of them, we should be used to this by now," He turned to all of us, then landed on me. "We've been working with them for over a year now. You said it yourself, we don't have room for doubt."

I scoffed, turning away to avoid his burning stare. Even though he was right. But I was in the heat of the moment and some part of me was right too. "Tim, what did you find?"

He was silent for a moment as if trying to remain innocent. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you hacking their system," I smiled at the look of shock on his face. "You're one of the best hackers we have. And you were pretty pissed before we left. So tell us, what did you find out?"

"Nothing. They must have a separate system I don't know about for special clearance mission reports. Batman changed the firewall...again," He looked embarrassed, but he didn't seem done. "They have been absent, though, no doubt. We just have to figure out where they've been."

I nodded. A part of me should have definitely felt guilty about going behind their backs. But I'm kind of fed up of being treated like kids. We worked too hard for that. "Are we sure we want to do this?"

I patted M'gann on the shoulder with a grim look. "We were so close to figuring out Savage's game plan. I'm tired of secrets."

"Well, you're about to uncover them," Artemis was at the other end of the room by the elevators. "The League's ready for us."

"It sounds like we're having a meeting with our bosses," I followed everyone into the metal box and watched as the doors closed.

"Technically," Dick said from behind me. "They are our bosses."


A table had risen in the middle of the room. It was a place I hadn't been allowed to see, and judging by a few faces, I wasn't the only one. This was the League's mission room. What an honor.

"Thank you for joining us today, especially after your mission," Wonder Woman started the meeting, addressing everyone around us. Not all of the League was here of course. Sitting around me were Superman, Batman, Canary, Manhunter, Flash, Icon, Captain Marvel, Green Arrow, Tornado and Wonder Woman.

"I want an explanation," I started right off the bat, even if it was a bit rude. Beside me, Dick gripped my hand; a warning. I gave him a glare, "I want an explanation as to why we've basically been on our own for the past few months."

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