Close Calls

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Kristen's Pov

"Bane," I growled. 

Behind him, Kaldur was chained up in a box. Aside from the air conditioners in the room, you could barely feel the heat radiating off of it. It had to be bullet proof. Bane was an ass, but he wasn't stupid.

At that moment, more of his goons ran in and swarmed us. There was no escaping this one unless we had help or a seriously fail-proof plan. Both highly unlikely outcomes.

We let them cuff us to the grating on the floor. They shoved Artemis down, which only made her condition worse. I had to watch idly as Bane dragged M'gann to another chamber, similar to the one that he had put Kaldur in. The heat began to take its effect, making her weaker by the second, not to mention the inhibitor collar around her neck again.

Silence surrounded us. I think Artemis was forcing her mouth shut. If she didn't, a whole string of bad would probably come out. Bane was just taking his time, playing with the machine that was slowly torturing M'gahn and Kaldur. It was painful just watching.

Suddenly, the doors were opened again. Well, there's one thing you don't see everyday. Flanked by two men, most likely Bane's generals, was a giant gorilla. Next to me, Nightwing stiffened.

"It is such a shame," Bane said. He began to pace in front of us, oblivious to the gorilla standing guard behind him. "You children keep coming back, thinking maybe once you could win."

Nightwing next to me grunted and strained against the cuff links. The word children must have gotten to him, because I hated it too. A sickening feeling started to stir up in my gut.

"Even after I took away your precious bird." 

Something was not right. Artemis was beginning to struggle against her cuffs. There was something they didn't tell me. And I don't think it was because they were called kids.

"You have no right, asshole," Nightwing yelled. Bane was hitting a nerve for both of them. Tension was building up in his voice. I'm sure that if he had the chance, Bane would either be behind bars, deep in Belle Reve or dead.

I looked over to him, hoping he would catch my eye and calm down. Instead, I saw something else, an outcome that would probably wind up with us dead. He had a lock pick in between his fingers. Oh gosh, the least he could do was warn us. He looked over to me, and nodded slightly. He was't really struggling against the cuffs, he was trying to cover his escape.

"Say hello to Monsieur Mallah," The gorilla had a name. Great. "He will be accompanying you tonight."

Artemis grunted. "Don't worry, we've met."

In the commotion, Nightwing stopped shifting. He must have gotten the cuffs unlocked, but I had no idea as to what was going to happen next. I've never seen Nightwing really truly mad, and I would hate see what he would do.

"And you little vigilantes keep on replacing each other," Bane had stopped in front of us, his gloved hands hooked on the gear on his chest. "How did you think it would go this time? Did you think you would win?"

He stretched out his hand to touch my hair. I tried my best to pull away. "What about this one? She's new."

New? What did he expect? I kept glancing back and forth between Nightwing and Artemis. What did I not know? I stopped my gaze. "Nightwing, what is he talking about?"

"Ah, ah, ah, chica. Don't get too curious, someone always ends up hurt." My eyes widened at the statement. I could see it already, this mission was on a bad path as it is and I think it's just going down hill from here. 

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