The Dark Knight Says Hi

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Kristen's Pov

When I walked in, Canary was hacking away at a keyboard in the middle of the room. Captain Marvel was just walking out, and Nightwing was in the corner talking on the phone. As soon as he saw me he closed up the conversation.

"Listen, I got to go, alright?" He paused. "Yeah, I'll see you tonight? Thanks, Emily," Pause. He frowned. "Bobby? No?" Pause again. "Right. Thanks, Jean."

Canary rolled her eyes and turned to me. "Quite the ladies man, this one. Anyway, Batman tells me someone has filed a missing person report on you."

She pulled up a copy of the report on the holographic screen in front of her. A picture of me was printed in the top left-hand corner. Under it was my date of birth, height, and eye color, including my name. My real one was blurred out, but next to it was the word 'Scarlet'. That meant Batman knew my secret identity. Surprise, surprise.

"Police haven't really paid any attention considering you are over 18, but I think it's the opposite for your family," Canary gave me a knowing look. "You should go back to Gotham. If you want, you can stay the weekend." 

Didn't sound like I had a choice.

Oh, Mallory. I should've called. But really? A missing person report? "I think I'll do that. Thanks, Canary."

She gave me a curt nod, so did Nightwing. "Can I talk to you, Nightwing?"

He gave me a curious look. "Sure..." 

The two of us made our way to the corridor outside. "What's up?"

"I overheard you and Kaldur about your 'lead' on Bane," The sentenced flowed out of my mouth like water. But there was no reply. "The night before I met you, I was at the South Docks in Gotham, and he was there. The kids must've been at least 10-12. Robin was there, did he say anything?"

Nightwing didn't seem to register anything on his face. He expertly hid his emotions from me. Instead, he crossed his arms.

"You're new here, Scarlet. I think it's best if you stay out of this one." 


"What?" I repeated out loud. This could not be happening. "Why? I was there. Bane was talking about a group of people. He said to the little girl that she would be happy that he brought her along-"

"I said stay out of it, Scarlet. That's an order." His face looked filled with guilt. He was hiding something. Why he couldn't tell me escaped my mind. Where was this new person coming from?

"Fine," I turned away and continued towards the zeta tubes. "I'll see you later."


Scarlet A47

I ended up across the street from our apartment. I reached up to my face and pulled off the mask, stuffing it in the pocket of my jacket. Let's hope I make it out alive from this one.

Crossing an empty street, my mind tried it's hardest to strike up a believable story, but I knew in the back of my head that I had to tell her about the Team. I hunched against the October wind, the clouds doing the same over my head.

Slowly, I trekked up the flight of stairs to the second floor. What was she going to say? Would she even let me out of the house tomorrow? That would be a nightmare.

Using the key, I entered the house. "Mal? Mal, it's me, Kristen." 

A few seconds of silence followed, but then all you heard was heavy footsteps and a blur of hair and arms wrapped around me.

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