Secrets, Not Lies

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Kristen's Pov

Nothing woke me up. I was just..awake. I lay there with Dick's arm tight around my waist. I felt safe here. After he came in last night, I was able to sleep normally. He made me feel normal.

After lying there, staring at the beautiful green paint on the walls for about an hour, I decided to get up. Breakfast hit me as soon as I stepped out of the room. Alfred was probably downstairs cooking something up.

I reached the kitchen and only nodded in acknowledgment to Alfred at the stove. Quietly, I took a seat at one of the stools by the island. The granite beneath my bare arms sent shivers down my spine. My hair hung in a mess before my face, and I had running shorts on, which didn't help with the cold.

Everything came rushing back from yesterday. Max's voice, my nightmare. It was unnerving, but I think I know why. I was keeping a secret, I had been for a month since the Bane mission. 

Alfred still hasn't said a word. I bet you the whole city heard me waking up from my dream. I felt bad, so instead of just sitting there, I picked up a knife and started cutting peppers and pieces of ham for the omelets.

I was half way through the first pepper when Dick walked in. He looked at me, ready to say something, but I couldn't bring myself to even look him in the eye. I was a mess. A seriously screwed up mess. As he passed by me, I could feel his stare on the back of my head. As if trying to figure out why I was silent.

"Master Dick, Miss Kristen," Alfred looked fed-up, as he placed the two plates of eggs in front of us. "I am to do groceries today. I placed Master Tim's plate in the oven to stay warm. Please enjoy your breakfast. "

Without another glance, he left, leaving me to fend for myself in the silence.

"Are you-?"

"Thank you," I blurted out. I had cut him off so I just kept going. "I'm completely fine, okay? I just wanted to say thank you, for..staying with me."

He was silent. Maybe I said too much? Maybe he was going to try and do something about my dreams. But I couldn't drag someone into my mess. I just couldn't do that.

Just as he opened his mouth to reply a girl walked in and opened the fridge. Her blonde hair was falling out of her ponytail, and her clothes were stuck to her body as if she had slept in them and her bag was slung over her shoulder. The girl grabbed a carton of milk and a glass before she turned to us.


She looked at us with a confused expression on her face. The bags under her eyes explained everything else. 

"Oh, hey guys," I watched as her hand reached for the jar of cookies Alfred had clearly labeled Tim. "And tell Tim he owed me one. These cookies are amazing."

My jaw dropped. I only stared as she waved and exited the room. "Yeah, so, um, if you're going to stay here, you really should get used to that."


I could barely dodge all six arms from the robot. I snuck a glance at Bruce sitting at the computer, watching me. I huffed and flipped over the piece of metal, swinging my leg back to knock it off its feet. The thing actually had an advantage being taller than me.

My kick landed square in its chest, but the thing only moved about two inches.

Instead, I was sent flying across the floor to the other side. In an instant, the robot was above me. I managed to catch its fist aimed at my chest. Lifting my legs into fetal position, I used all my power to knock the robot off of me and jump to my feet.

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