Meet the Family

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Kristen's Pov

The explosion knocked me off my feet and I could feel the pavement underneath me as I slid away from the fire. I was back up in two seconds, with strands of my hair hanging in front of my face. I probably looked like a mad man.

One week into the New Year and Batman already had me doing his dirty work. The heat from the bomb licked my face, as the crook stepped out from the fire. He had a mask and a body suit on, probably to protect him from the explosion. He smiled at me and raised the AK aimed at my face. 

Before he could pull the trigger, I dove to the side behind a car. The bullets ricocheted off the pavement. Slamming my back against the metal, my brain finally had a chance to catch up with my body.

It was midmorning, and I could be sleeping right about now. Above me, clouds blanketed the sky. I felt a body sit down next to me. I lifted my elbow, ready to attack, but it was caught. 


"Plan to speak up before I break your nose?"

He snorted like it was funny. "You can try, sweetheart."

My heart almost stopped, but I collected myself. Keep it together, Kris. 

"Who is this guy, anyway?" I stayed on the ground and peeked up above the car. The thief was oblivious to us and was loading the money into the truck. 

"Whoever he is, he has some serious fire power."

Now it was my turn to scoff. 

"That's a civilian weapon. A Thompson M1A1," I turned to face Dick, and he had a ridiculous face on. "What? I do my homework. I know military grade when I see it and that's not it."

From my belt, I produced a small throwing knife. Something that wouldn't do much damage if it made contact with a body, so it did come in handy sometimes. I stood, aimed and tossed the sharp object as hard as I could.

The man yelped and dropped his gun.

Without missing a beat, Dick jumped up over the hood of the car and sprinted for the vehicle. I, on the other hand, stood where I was and threw a smoke grenade his way. While Dick handled the driver, I bounded up the steps to the building and jump kicked the thief. He flew backward into the bank pillar.

I began to stalk over to him. My fist was five feet from his face, but he pulled a pistol out on me. I sighed and lifted my open palms into the air. 

"Wow, you got me. Oh, no. Someone save me."

His hand was shaking, and I was trying my hardest not to laugh. In a blur, my leg swung out and knocked the weapon out of his hand. Again. With a swift jab, he was out in seconds.

"Scarlet, behind you!" 

I spun just in time to take a punch to the jaw. The momentum forced me down, but I caught myself on my hands. Jumping up, I lifted myself onto his shoulders. Wrapping my legs around his neck, I shifted my weight backward, bringing the both of us down, and knocking the guy out instantly.

Dick caught up to me and offered me a hand. I gladly took it. 

"Where'd you learn that little trick?"


He smiled at me, making me blush and look at the cement beneath us. I couldn't believe I was acting like this. I only stood there and watched as he walked back over to the van. In the distance, you could hear police sirens. 

"Scar, get over here."

I looked over his shoulder at whatever he was freaking out about. It was a small round ball of gray clay. It was about the size of a small rubber ball, something Max would play with. I took it from his hand, and Dick left to check the driver's cabin.

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