A Small Injustice

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Kristen's Pov

"Keep your body small," Canary shouted. I rolled to the side, missing Dick's punch. "Use your body to your advantage. You're lightweight, so you can move faster."

I grunted, tightening my abdomen, dodging Dick's leg. Before he could make the full round, I grabbed his leg, stopping him in mid-air. Quickly, I kneeled, pulling him over my head. Throughout the room, the computer's voice announced my victory.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about," Canary made her way over to us, as I helped up a smiling Dick Grayson. "Great job, Kris. Okay, try again, this time, I want you to start with the disadvantage."

I wasn't as mad at the League as I was two weeks ago. Yes, I was still skeptical and Tim hasn't gotten past the firewall yet, but things were mostly getting better. At least, I hope.

Canary placed me in the middle of the room, four feet from Dick. She placed my arms in front of me, leaving my chest open, and put my legs in a square position. Dick could easily kick me off of my feet, from where he was standing.

"Okay, go!" Dick rushed at me, faster than I could blink. "Get out of your stance, recover and attack!"

I had just enough time to register her words, as Dick jabbed me in the stomach and threw me across the room. I landed on my side; oh, that was going to bruise. Dick was on me in seconds, lifting his foot to come down on me, but I swept out my leg, tripping him.

When I got up, he too was on his feet. He did that on purpose, didn't he? He was going to regret that. I went in fast with a few jabs and a left hook. Of course, he blocked every single one, but that was the point.

While he had his forearms braced against my attacks, I flipped over his head, kicking his back, which propelled him forward. He stumbled but recovered. "Good, wear out the opponent, but be careful, you don't want to use up too much energy."

I went on full offense. Kicking, punching, using every open spot to my advantage. I mustered my strength again, throwing my right arm at his side, but he caught it. I was judo-flipped onto my back. Dick's arm was at my throat the moment I opened my eyes.

"Keep control of the fight, Kris," Canary called out. I looked back at Dick and grimaced, his arm was cutting into my windpipe. "Act, never react."

"I'm sorry," My arm was still free, he hadn't pinned them down like he should have.

"Sorry for what?" He was enjoying this too much.

Kneeing him in the crotch, I managed to get my fist close enough to hit his jaw. Before he could fall over, I pulled my legs up to my chest, and lifted up my feet, kicking him off of me. I jumped to my feet without giving him time to recover.

Stradling him, I had both his hands pinned down to the floor with my feet, and my arm at his neck. "For this," I said, grinning. "Look how the tables have turned."

"Maybe she could teach you a thing or two, Dick," I laughed, as I pulled him up from the floor. "That was a great session. We're done for the day."

I began to pull off the gloves, waving when Canary left the room. Quickly, I retied my ponytail and fixed my shirt. I handed Dick my gloves and he placed both of our pairs back into the closet area. I was very proud of myself. The past few training sessions have been a success on my end.

"How does it feel to be beaten by the new girl...again?" I placed my hands on my hips, smiling in his direction. He laughed in response, shaking his head, as the two of us made our way out into the hallway. 

"Don't get too sure of yourself, miss champion," We rounded the corner, entering the kitchen. I was starving, and Bart had already beaten me to the cake M'gann had bought.

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