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Dick's Pov

I really shouldn't have left. It was a bit too dramatic for my taste. And Kristen, oh crap, she's going to be pissed at me. But she'll have to understand, right? I needed the space, or some fresh air, something.

But she's alive.

The girl I used to love was alive.

What was I supposed to do?

Sitting on the roof somewhere in Central City, I looked at the skyline. The place was bright as the sun, it almost hurt my eyes. Gotham or even Bludhaven was never this sunny. Wally had the good deal.

When he died I used to spend hours walking around the city, visiting restaurants, sitting at the park, walking up and down the bridge. It was calming in a way. It had felt like it was just the two of us hanging out.

But now, I don't know what I'm doing here. It just reminds me of death, and then her. Oh, god. Barbara Gordon. I'm so torn between believing it or not. But I could believe it. Bruce was rich, and smart, and could have definitely pulled off a fake funeral. My only problem with it was the lying part.

I mean, I should've seen it coming. While the Team was scattered and all over the place, he never once stepped in and helped. He's been distant, or more distant than usual. I should've known he was keeping something from me.

They lied to me. I wonder how many people knew about it? Why did they think it would be okay? And then the mistakes I made. I damaged myself, and I hurt the people around me. I regret all of it, and knowing she was alive that entire time? It's haunting.

There's also Kristen. I really screwed up when I left. All she's ever done is been there for me, and the day she's released from STAR Labs, I disappear. It wasn't fair to her. I had expected someone to come after me, but then again, that never happens.

I stood, the August air blew through my jeans and thin t-shirt. Slowly I inhaled and exhaled. This was it, I think it's time to get back to the Hall.


Nightwing B01

The light from the zeta tubes glowed around me, leaving a few spots in my eyes. As I stepped through to the main hall, I braced myself for any anger targeted towards me. Luckily, no one was there.

With my footsteps echoing slightly, I ducked into the winding set of corridors and headed down to the closest guess to where she could be. Yes, I was nervous. The girl could pack a punch, and I did kiss her. You know, before ditching her.

Oh well, here goes nothing.

With caution, I stepped into the mission room. Kristen was standing in the middle, staring at the holographic screen, furiously hacking at the keyboard. I didn't bother to glance at the screen, I just focused on her.

Her hair, the look on her face showing her concentration, and the thing she does where she goes back and forth along her fingers, cracking each knuckle until they can't be cracked anymore. I smiled.

"Hey," I stopped just next to her. When she could bring herself to look up at my voice, I swear it was so quiet, you could probably hear Bruce coming from a mile away. We just stood there for a second, staring each other down.

And then she was hugging me. Her arms around my neck, mine around her waist, and I buried my head into her hair. There was nothing I wanted more in this world than to kiss her, but I had a feeling that would get me impaled.

She pulled away grinning, but the moment she did, the smile disappeared. I couldn't even blink before a throbbing pain spread across my jaw.

Yeah, there's the punch.

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