Mission Possible

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Kristen's Pov

It's been five days.

Five days of non-stop training, and barely any eating or sleeping. Well, excluding the exhausting amount of tests they put me through with M'gann. My brain felt like mush after that first day. Black Canary had officially taken me under her wing for the training part. Until the Batman was finished with League business and was ready for me to go back to Gotham, she was in charge of me.

The team was huge. Every day I was meeting new people. Justice League members have been coming and going, and I've been the luckiest girl in the world to know them personally.

After the whole fiasco a few days ago, respect for me slowly built. They really didn't expect for me to have any experience at all. I'm not an expert, but I'm capable enough. I think it's really the skill though because no one liked the fact that Nightwing brought me here. I still can't place what happened, and I'm pretty sure M'gann knows. She just won't tell me. 

I've asked.

Snap. Canary's fingers brought me back to the reality of the training room.

"Scarlet, focus." A disapproving scowl was painted across her face. "Let's run the sim again, this time, I want you to land correctly. I know gymnastics aren't your strength but it will help you in the long run. Watch."

Gathering herself, Canary started off in a sprint and jumped. She landed in a roll and swept her foot out in front of her in an arch. Then, with the other foot on the ground, she pushed off and did a double back flip. Why couldn't I do that?

I took a deep breath. I have been at this technique for quite a few hours now. You would figure I would be angry, but I was just tired. I couldn't land the flip.

She walked over to a holographic keyboard by the wall and pressed a few keys. I had to nail this one, or I she would make me start conditioning all over again. That was definitely not an option for me. I had soccer conditioning a few times when I was in middle school and the hero stuff is just ten times worse.

"You can do it, Scarlet, just focus," She pressed start and the room went dark. Bright blue silhouettes formed on the outer ring of the floor. They rushed at me all at once.

For about the fifth time today, I maneuvered my way through the bodies like I was taught instead of charging multiple targets at once. It really helped save energy. My old technique was to hit them before they knew what was happening, so I knew all the regular pressure points of the body to compensate. But this was a completely different style of fighting for me.

By the sixth silhouette, I was beginning to breathe heavily. I had four more targets.

I threw the last knife in my belt to the target on my left. One.

Then I attempted the stunt. Two, three and four went down. I had landed the back flips successfully! Finally. 

"Yes!" I pumped a fist in the air.

Canary laughed with me. "I told you, you could do it." 

She walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder. I was shocked into paralysis. What were you supposed to do in this situation again? 

She gave me a small smile. "You're done for the day. But we're back to basics again tomorrow."

A groan escaped my lips, but I grinned anyway. The crusade on crime was something I loved to do, and being here surrounded by people like me made everything better.

You're breaking your promise.

The smile was wiped off. 

"Is there something wrong?" 

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