Team Work

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Kristen's Pov

To say I was feeling excited was an understatement. Considering this was the first time I was actually training with the team, I was more nervous than excited. These people have been fighting side by side practically since day one.

"Okay guys, today's lesson will be purely in the sims," A loud groan echoed through the small crowd of teenagers. "We're going to put in a covert mission. The objective is to destroy all targets without setting off the alarm. And while working as a team."

The map behind us lit up into three points. It was a clearing in a forest. Next to it was a swampy looking lake. Behind the building was a sewer drainage pipe. There were two smoke stacks on the left side of the building, and a huge glass opening on the right.

Kaldur pulled up a holographic screen in front of him. "Superboy, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, Scarlet, you're alpha. You are taking the west wing. Static, Robin, Kid Flash, Bumblebee, Guardian, you're Beta. The five of you are going in through the east wing. Finally, Blue Beetle, Miss M, Beast Boy, and Lagoon boy. You are going to infiltrate from the bottom up, in through the sewers."

"This is a regular ambush job. No intel, no hostages. For now, your priority is to shut this place down with as little noise as possible." Artemis looked proud of the simulation she'd created. This was going to be interesting. The two stepped aside. Kaldur pressed a button on the keyboard by the wall, and the mission started.

Is everyone linked in? M'gann's voice filled my head. I winced from the sudden psychic intrusion. Nightwing grabbed my arm immediately to support me.

Alpha clear, Nightwing said. Or was it thought? He seemed to be having trouble as well.

Beta clear.

Gamma clear. Sorry, Scarlet.

The four of us, with Cassie overhead, started towards the factory. Get in, get out. Got it.

Conner jumped to the smoke stacks with ease, while Nightwing and I grappled our way in silence. Sometimes a little help from someone who could fly would be great. Someone like, oh, I don't know, Cassie.

The roof of the factory in front of us was stretched to the length of a football field before it dipped and continued to the windows. There was an exhaust pipe leading into the building about ten yards from where we stood.

Considering half of this little squad had no powers and the mission at hand, we didn't even need to use the link to know our next move. One by one we half walked half crawled in a crouch. Nightwing slipped off the metal grate and Cassie went in first. Then, Conner, me, and Nightwing brought up the rear.

Wait. Nightwing's thoughts in my head were almost the equivalent of yelling out loud. The air vent we were currently in was more than a little tight. It lit up blue from the screen floating above his wrist

What could possibly be so important that you had to stop us here? Conner was very annoyed, and you could tell that he was not okay being on alpha with someone who had apparently abandoned the team. If that's what Artemis meant a few nights ago.

Make a left at the next intersection. It's an empty storage room below us. Conner huffed aloud but followed the instructions anyway.

In a few feet, Conner helped lower me into a vast, empty space. The air was thick with the smell of wood and dust, threatening to blind me. Nightwing dropped to the floor next to me, with his face still glued to the screen.

Cassie flew to the door. Locked, hold on.

Cassie, it's locked from the outside. There'll most likely be an alarm system. When you open that door you have a ten-second opening. The code is 975186. I walked over to Cassie's side and gave her a nod. This would have to be very quick. I inhaled and watched as she pulled the doors apart.

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