I Hate Riddles

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Kristen's Pov

M'gann had dropped us off half a mile from the base. Pine trees soared above us, as the clouds blanketed the sky. It wasn't our usual set up for a covert mission, but it'll have to do for now.

It wasn't the Injustice League's actual base either. For some reason, they had moved. Maybe, it was easier for Nygma since he just broke out of Arkham.

Everyone had grayer versions of their suits. Alpha normally called for stealth mode, and this time it kind of made me nervous. I've seen the faces of the Injustice League before on the news, and let me tell you, I was not excited.

Dick knelt down next to me, as we looked over the base. Guards were everywhere, but all we had to do was wait, Beta would be here any second. "Are you okay? You seem a little on edge."

"Well, well, a leader's looking out for his team," I smiled in his direction, but he didn't seem to understand what I was saying. I shook my head, "Nevermind. But I'm fine, thanks. What do you think we'll find?"

"I don't know. I don't it'll be pretty either," He looked back out, waiting for any signal from the other squad. "But this is a big break in terms of the Light. Especially since the Riddler's involved."

We turned to each other, letting the unasked question hang in the air. I was worried about how I would react to what we find. And judging by the look on his face, so was he. I glance back down to the ground, breaking eye contact. The thing was, I wasn't sure if being on this mission was a good thing.

"Stick next to me, and we'll be just great, okay?" I nodded with a slight smile. I was going to be fine, at least, think I'll be. Besides, I've done this a million times by now. There was no reason to freak out.

Can I help?

Shaking my head, to clear my thoughts, bellow the first strike was made. From the shadows the four of us watched Conner and Lagon take out the first of the guards. Quickly, four members of the injustice league joined their forces. A skull with a helmet, what looked like the evil twin of Captain Marvel, a cat with a cape, and a guy waltzing out to battle in a green cape. Some team.

"Alright, let's move," Dick got into a crouched position and started to move downhill, sticking to the shadows. The rest of us followed behind him.

Without a word, we each used our grapple guns to get down to the base. From there, we got a pass card off of one of the guards to get a door open. Within seconds we had gotten into the base.

Alpha to Beta, we're in. Artemis reached out to the others. We had a lot of ground to cover before we could get out of here. So the group of us split up; Artemis and me, Tim and Dick.  We headed upstairs, while the guys went down.

"Not all the members are out with the Team," Artemis was ahead of me, glancing around every corner, before letting us advance. She had her crossbow out and knocked, and my staff wash extended, the blade gleaming in the dark.  "We need to stay alert."

"But in the meantime," She paused our progress to smile at me. "You've done something to Nightwing, and I'd like to know what."

I looked behind us again, pretending I was watching our six, but I was actually controlling the blush spreading across my face. "I don't know what you're talking about. We just work together on a few leads."

"Yeah, the same leads he brings to me. Which doesn't explain the ridiculous amount of time you spend together," She gave me a skeptical look, causing me to roll my eyes. We turned another corner, the vines bellow us getting thicker.

"He brings our leads to you since you co-lead with Aqualad. It's nothing big."

"Believe me, it's something," She huffed a small laugh. "I've known him for a long time, and I've never seen him like this. Carefree."

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