Never Like Cats Anyway

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Kristen's Pov

San Fransico Bay looked like chaos came and had a fit with a giant bat. Debris was flying in tornado formation, and surprisingly, the Klarion guy actually made a hole in the ocean.

What Kaldur had failed to mention was that some of the League were already on the job. We were probably backup. Zatanna was trying to get to Klarion, and Aquaman was in the water trying to keep the spell at bay. Black Canary and Green Arrow were on the ground dealing with those hellish creatures and crowd control.

The sight almost made me force M'gann to turn around.

"Drop zone A," She called from the helm behind me. She pulled up the bio-ship in camouflage mode over the Golden Gate Bridge. I've always wanted to see it in person, just not like this.

Alpha stood in the center, and the floor opened up. I may have already experienced this part, but my stomach was still left somewhere on that ship. As the metal bars passed me, I quickly reached up with my grappling hook and swung down to the cars. It was mostly abandoned by now. 


Canary was being held by Green Arrow, as they swung down to greet us. 

"Where's the League?" Tim asked. That was a really good question.

She just shook her head. Her hair was windblown, and she was noticeably out of breath. Well, that's unusual.

"We're all you got. Just get to work."

Green Arrow blew off that question very easily. He had to be hiding something, maybe they were too spread thin, and they were just afraid to admit it. We all nodded. I watched as Cassie, Conner, and Jaime flew off to join the fight.

"Scarlet, watch out!" Tim shoved me to the side, and my eyes followed in horror as he was hit by a flying creature. It had bat wings, no face, and its skin was the color of throw up.

"Robin!" Instantly, my staff was extended full length, and I charged the monster. Doing a routine flip, I landed on the fence of the bridge, ran along the metal and jump kicked the monster over the edge. The momentum forced me backward, and I landed in a tuck and roll onto my feet.

He stood and turned to me. 

"Thanks," He took out his staff. "Follow me."

"Where are you going, we have to help crowd control!" I followed pursuit anyway. There was no stopping a stubborn teenager, right?

"We're going to get the cat," Cat? How were we going to find a cat in this mess? "It's Klarion's power source, Tigress told me."

Great. Instead of fighting I'm going to be scratching me head over a stupid cat.

We made it off the bridge without any incidents, but the streets were a labyrinth. I reached the crossing before Tim, just in time to see a group of school children being boxed in by the bat-thing. A sickening feeling settled in my gut.

I shot my grappling hook, latching onto a lamp post, to get over to them as fast as possible. Using my staff and maybe my anger, I knocked it out with just one hit to its side. A few seconds later it disappeared into a puff of smoke. 

"Thank you so much."

A little girl tugged at my leg. I smiled at her and pet her hair softly. I hope I looked brave, and not terrified or sad. I have to look the part to play the part, right? 

"Scarlet, we have to keep moving."

I held up my index finger to silence Tim and knelt to be level with the girl. I tucked in a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

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