What Did I Do ~

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My blonde hair was wrapped neatly in a bun for the big show. The girls hovered over me.

" Are you ready for your big solo?" Asked Jenna.

"Ugg. Don't remind me. Im so nervous," i answered.

"Don't be nervous. You look beautiful and will do great," said Keagan as she rested her head on her arms and her arms on my shoulders.

"Thanks, love," My fake Australian came through right there.

"No prob. Girls, get back to getting ready," she shoed them off. Energy was in the air and before we knew it, we were going out onto Ford Feild for our Marching Band show. We held our flags the same, with long tan jackets to cover up our dresses. My dress was three times bigger than the rest because i had two different dresses on underneath.

"Now presenting, who came all the way from Arizona, the West Pride Panthers!" People cheered, but i didn't have time to send kisses. I had to set my flags and my dresses. The props were awesome. One was gigantic doors, another was a stage. Another was a podium type thing, where i had to stuff a dress. I was the youngest in the group, and i worked the hardest, did my best job, and got a solo. A ten year old getting a solo on her first year was amazing. Our hair was put into a bun, with a braid at the top. I grabbed my red cape and took off my tan behind a prop. I clasped the cape on and pulled the hood up. Grabbing my rifle, i got in place. I waited through the announcers talking and focused on the drum major. The voice over started and then we did.

Everything was going well for the beginning. The band stepping off and marching together. The color guard in sync with each other. Straight lines, or straight diagonals. We ended the first song with a bang and went on to the next three. Our flowy white dresses fit the next song well, Under The Moon Stars.

It was my turn to get off and i quickly got out of my white and my red dress was next. It was a halter neck that covered my boobs, then see through to my waist and into the red bottom of the dress.
I came out and danced up the podium prop. The song ended as they turned me around to face the cheering crowd. Now my second solo. I changed out of the red and into a black tube top with a ragged black skirt. My stomach was exposed. My solo ended and the song did soon after. It was the last song, and this is when we got to use the door. The color quard hid behind it until our cue, then i pushed the heavy doors opened and we strode out, proud as ever. The show ended and we gather all of our silks, and gave them to the helpers.

We took our pictures and soon it was off to do what ever. When i waited at the concession stand, i felt a hand touch my shoulder. It was Milo, my bestes friend in the world. He hugged me and asked how i was doing. Recently i have became an orphan, along with Milo.

My parents committed suicide and i was left on my own, until I met Milo. I heard a shriek and looked behind me. There was a group forming around something in the center of the walkway. I handed Milo my food and walked over to check ot out.

"Excuse me. Who are you crowding around?" I asked a woman near me. At least three replied, " the famous band Fall Out Boy." I wanted a better look so i moved to the center. I saw four men and the fear on their face. I got the to middle and screamed,

" Leave them alone! They're just people who are richer than us! Nothing more!" Surprisingly, people listened to me. The crowd dissapated until it was just me and them. I started walking back to Milo, when there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey thanks kid. We appreciate it," i nod and walk off again, this time, not getting held back.

*Time Lapse *

"Milo, stop! You'll get hit!" I screamed at him as he ran across the street on a green light. He has been doing this for the past five minutes, and each time, i got more scared. Worry was written all over my face.

We were stuck in Detroit for the night, and Milo decided to have some fun. He ran back at the green laughing.

"Milo. Seriously stop it. You'll get hurt," i said again.

"Fine, fine. Last time," i started to protest but he was already running across. I closed my eyes for a second, and next, there was a car. It smashed into Milo, crushing the car in, and flinging Milo into the middle of the intersection.

"MILO!" I screamed st the too of my lungs. The cars stopped and many got out. I ran to Milo and put head in my lap.

"You stupid sh*t. I told you," i swore rarely, only when it was very bad. His neck was shattered and his spine was also. I could feel it. The ambulance arrived soon, but I knew it. I knew he was gone. He was gone as soon as the car hit him. They brought me over to the ambulance to get checked out. When they found me safe, they set me to go hug with my friends who arrived not that long ago. Tears rolled down my face with out stopping. Oh god. Why Milo. Why! I screamed in my head.

Good, eh, or horrible. Tell me in the comments. Peace -The_Mighty_Fall

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