Patrick! ~

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Time Lapse


It was finally tour. I was so excited...but I was also very scared. I have been getting more of those texts, and by now, I knew it wasn't a prank. They were threats. He said he is going to get me at tour.

"Rin? Are you okay?" I looked over at Patrick and pursed my lips.

"Y.. Yeah. I'm just scared of heights," I lied. I didn't want to, but I had to. If I told him about the text, we would go into hiding mode. I looked back out at the window and I felt Patrick wrap his arm around me for comfort. My mind was conflicted. If this man was truly after me, he won't stop until I am dead. That also means he will kill anyone to get me. I was conflicted, because I have to decide if I wanted to save everyone, or kill everyone.


Time Lapse


It was a couple minutes before the start of the concert. I sat in the dressing room. I had my feet laid against the coffee table in the middle of the room whilst I was on my phone. My phone binged as I got another text message. Before I could look at it,Pete stormed in. His face looked frightened and worried. I jumped up.

"Pete? What's wrong?" I asked urgently.

"Patrick. He... He is missing. We can't find him anywhere," He said between breaths. I dropped my phone and nearly collapsed. Tears came to my eyes and I ran out the door, running around the backstage, looking everywhere to find him.

Patrick's POV:

I couldn't see anything. Something was covering my eyes. My hands were tied behind me and my legs were tied to the chair. I struggled to get out, but stopped, out of hope.

"Oh look. My bait is awake. Good thing too. Irina should be here soon. If she got my text in time," a dark voice came from.... everywhere. My breath froze in my throat.

"Who are you?" I asked once as I regained it.

"She never told you?" He asked in a sarcastic voice.

"Told me what?" I was getting more scared by the minute.

"Told you about all of the text I sent her. Maybe I should tell you her story. When she was young, he parents were killed. They had her believe that her parents committed suicide, but they didn't. I killed them. I am an assassin, trained to kill, and my assignment was to kill Irina and her parents. But what I didn't realize, is that when I went to kill them, she wasn't home. So i just killed her parents, and decided to come back for her. So, that is what has put you in this position, Bait," I was shocked, more than what could show on the outside.

"So, you're going to kill me?" I asked, very major scared now.

"No. Like I said. You are the bait. Once as she is here, I will kill her, and you guys can go on with your lives. I won't bother you. As long as you don't give me a reason to," Suddenly, I hoped that Rin wouldn't come. I don't want her killed.

Rin's POV:

We searched everywhere. He was simply not there. I slammed the dressing room door shut, tears streaming down my face. I just had to tell everyone that the concert was cancelled and they would be refunded. No one was happy.

I saw my phone laying on the couch, and that is when I got an idea. I grabbed my phone and opened my messages. I dropped my phone, not able to move. I know where Patrick is. And that is when I made my decision. No one is going to get hurt because of me.

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