Back To Tour ~

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"When is tour coming back?" I asked, biting my piece of pizza. We all sat around the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"We don't know. We decided that was up to you," Pete answered. I smiled at him and pretended to think.

"Well, from how fast you guys are getting back into the music groove, and from how fast the fans will need to prepare, how about in two months?" I asked, looking hopefully. They looked at each other and nodded in sync.

Everyone has been doing better. Pete stopped hurting himself. Patrick is slowly getting over his drinking problem. And Andy and Joe have came out of their shell. They even went on Twitter, telling everyone that they were sorry and family problems came up. Everyone believed.

Meanwhile, Aunt Emily kept calling, telling me to come home. Threatening to call the cops on them. I told her go ahead every time.

I sat down my pizza and checked my phone. There was a text from an unknown number. I looker at it curiously, but decided to wait until after dinner to look at it. I quickly finished my pizza and excused myself, running up the stairs.

I locked my door behind me, kind of scared of what the message will be. I opened up my texting up, looking at my Twitter notifications before. What i read stopped my heart. I read it over again, trying to see if i read it right the first time.

Do you honestly think your parents committed suicide? If you do, you're in for a surprise. I killed you parents. I was assigned to kill the whole family, but you were gone. But now you have gone and made yourself famous, so i found you. And i am coming to finish my assignment.

I dropped my phone and stared ahead, horror written like constellations on my face. I shook my head. Trying to get the idea out of my head. Its just a prank, i thought. Yeah. It has to be! But i wasn't so sure. I laid down on my bed, my breaths coming in short pops of air. I was scared. Let me admit it. I am scared.

This was just a filler chapter, so of course, it wasn't nearly as long as it usually is. Mystery though, right? Was it a prank? Or the truth? Find out in the chapters to come. Just saying now, there is a 99.99999% chance that there will not be a second book. I already have plans!! MWHAHAHAHAHA! Stay fedorable - The_Mighty_Fall 2/7/16 PS, 7 months from now is my birthday!!!!

Also, special thanks to boo_youslut69 for always reading my books and commemting. I will try and mention everyone who does that regularly.  Read that? REGULARLY!

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