My Chance pt. 1 ~

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My hair was amazing when i finished with it. It started out with a lavender and turned into blue at the tips. I grabbed my mp and started playing 'New Perspective ' by Panic! (It is an awesome song). I put my black PJs on and 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' started playing. I rocked around to the song ,singing. Its been a long time since I sang, and many people came by door to see if I was okay. Patrick had put me in a good mood. On the inside i wanted him to adopt me, but my mind knew i would destroy his sanity. The song ended and i turned the mp off. I flipped the lights off also, and crawled into bed. That night, was the first time in four years that i fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Patrick POV:

I got home to an empty house. I went to the couch and was about to turn the TV on when i thought. The guys are coming up tonight for recording. I quickly texted Pete.

Patrick: tell the guys not to eat.

Pete: Okay. Can i ask why?

Patrick:nope :)

I got up and started cleaning up the dirty clothes that filled up the house. When i finished with that, i went into the kitchen and started making something. I just took it out of the oven when i heard the door open. I could hear their mummers. They came into the kitchen and froze.

"Whats this" Pete asked.

"I decided to get off my lazy butt and do something," i responded, but he could see through me.

"You liked that girl, didn't you. She put you in a good mood," i shrugged and maybe and Pete clapped.

"What girl?" Asked Andy.

"Okay, well , when Patrick was flipping through channels last night. He came across the news. They were talking about this orphan girl who got arrested for spray painting "Fall out boy forever" on the Chicago bridge. After, he felt bad for the girl, so I decided he should met with her and think about adopting her. He finally caved in and said yes. So i set the meeting up. He must've like her. Just read her back story, " Pete handed Andy his phone and Andy read it. Joe on his shoulder reading it also.

"Oh wow. That's a bad background. Are you going to? I mean, it does get pretty boring with only guys," asked Andy.

"I'm thinking about it. She was pretty fun to hang out with. When i first met her, it looked like she never smiled before, but i got her to smile. And laugh. So......there......might be a good.....great....chance that I will," i finally said. I waited until they finished with the lasagna, then we went down and recorded some songs. By the ending, i figured out what i was going to do.

Irina POV:

I woke up like it was a regular day. Taking a shower,getting dress, putting make up on. I laced up my boots and made sure my skinny jeans didn't get messed up when i put the boots on. I straightened my shirt and puffed my hair up a little more. I walked out of my room. People ran out of my way. I earned my rank her as the "emo chick to be scared of". I loved my rank. I went to find Ana.

"Hey Ana," i said when I found her. She flipped around and looked at me.

"Can i go for a walk? I won't do anything bad," i said when i saw her face. After a while she said yes and i walked out of the center. The fresh air felt amazing on my face. I walked out the downtown. I saw the sneers people gave me. I heard whispers about how I should be in jail. No one took a step towards me, though. I made sure to bring a hundred with me. I stepped into Hot Topic and started looking at the shoes. Even though i re dyed my hair, everyone still knew it was me. My face must be why.

When i didn't find shoes, i went over to shirts. I looked next to the shirts at the dresses and couldn't take my eyes away from one. What the h*ll. I grabbed the dress and went to a changing room. I was surprise when I liked the dress. It was black. It was halter neck with an almost seperate neck piece and body. It had thin fabric keeping it together. It went to my waist then flowed out, ending at my lower portion of my thighs. I took it off and then grabbed a few shirts and went to pay. Thirty dollars gone out of a hundred.

Next, i went to the record store. I liked to collect my favorite bands albums. I knew Fall Out Boy hadn't made any yet since they just got back from their hiatus. So i went for Panic!. My mind wondered back to when i met Brenden. I still have those headphones, even though they broke last year. I knew he probably saw the news. It was big what I did. I wondered if he remembered me. I was snapped out of my thought when I ran into someone. We fell back to the ground.

"Oh. Sorry. Sorry, " i said helping him up. He looked at me and froze. He let go of my hand. His face filled with fear.

"Please. Please don't steal from me," i stood up straight.

"To h*ll with you, then. I was trying to be polite," i snapped. I stormed out of that place with my bags in hand. The nerve of some people. I thought. When it started to get dark, i started on my journey back home. I had only bought from Hot Topic. I entered the center and ran to my room. Ana poked her head in.

"Did you have fun?" I nodded. Then shook my head.

"Long story, but I'm fine right now. I bought a dress," i said. She looked shock. I thought for a second.

"Why don't you come in, Ana. Lets have a girl night," she smiled and came in, closing the door behind. I put on music and we started talking.

How was it. If it was good, please recommend this book to your friends. Sorry for the long chapter, but just to warn you, this is going to be the normal size of my chapters. Please tell me how it is _ The_Mighty_Fall

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