I Love You Guys

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Okay, so no. I am not adding more to the book. I just have a few announcements.

First Announcement: So sorry about not updating with the second book. I just haven't been in the mood to write any books, as you can tell. Most of my books now say ON HOLD. But I promise that the other one won't go to that. I am working on another chapter, if I feel up to it. I will try to be.

Second Announcement: So, you might not know, but I was born with brown hair, and my parents never let me dye it. Well, March 6,2016, I finally got my hair dyed! I know this doesn't have anything to do with the book, but I'm happy. My first hair dye. Originally, my hair was suppose to be an aqua/cyan mix color, but the bleaching didn't work to much. It turned my hair ginger/strawberry when we bleached it. And so when the finally color came out, it was a greenish blueish color. Most people call the color a mermaid color. If you need to , just look it up. (It's kind of like the picture up front. Not exact, but almost).

Third Announcement: Sorry for taking so long with this one, but I wanted to save the best for last. okay, so, I don't know exactly when, but this book reached 1K reads!!!!!! I can't believe it. I waited for so long for this to happen, and now it finally did. That also mean, more people will be reading the second book, which if you haven't, please read.

So that was all I had to say. I feel like I talked about myself too much. So to change that, how was your week? Was it good, bad? Don't need to get into details if you don't want to, just tell me. So I hope you all will read and hopefully actually comment. Please and stay fedorable - The_Might_Fall March 10, 2016.

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