Get Ready For BVB ~

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My alarm clock shattered me from my dreams. I snoozed it and got up. I grabbed a Black Veil Brides shirt and skinny jeans and shoved them on. I went to my mirror and flipped most of my hair to one side. I combed it that way and put on a large black studded headband. There were some strands on one side, but the rest was on the other. I grabbed my eyeliner and surrounded my eyes, then i went and put some war paint on. I reminded myself of Andy Biersack when he was in the Fallen Angel video. I slipped on a leather jacket and shoved on combat boots. The walked downstairs and wrote Patrick a note saying good morning. I grabbed another apple and ran back upstairs, grabbing my black lipstick and putting it in my pocket. I slung my backpack on my shoulder and grabbed the paper that had my name on it that was on the fridge. It was the paper for Chem today. I smiled as i looked at his interest and walked to school. When i got there, i took my black lipstick, put it on, then walked to my locker. I took my chemistry and the paper that Patrick gave to me and walked towards first hour.

~Time Lapse To End Of First Hour~

"Irina. Come to the desk," i froze in the doorway, about to leave. So it turned out, that because other people couldn't get parents, we rescheduled for tomorrow. I walked to the desk and looked at Mr. Hartly. "I know you have busy parents, but if one of them do not come to thks class tomorrow, i will have to fail you. Do you understand?" He spoke. My breath hitched. "You can't do that!" That's unfair! " i screamed. Mr. Hartly looked taken aback. "In fact, i can do this. I teach this class and this is the best way for you to learn to take this class seriously. Irina. Are you okay? You are very pale," the world started spinning and i grabbed onto the desk. I blinked and i couldn't breath. The desk disappeared from underneath me and i was called to the comforting black.

This wasn't the same black as the night. It was artificial black. A light flickered on as it swung above me. I was in the school. I looked to my side and I was on the ground. The room was light pink. I know this place. This was my Elementary school. I stood up and walked to the desk. My mother sat in a chair next to the table. "Hi mommy, " i said in my childish voice. She looked up with tears on her face. I frowned. "Oh honey. I never told you who your real father was. Your father's An...." her head fell back and her eyes went white. I then saw the puddle of blood on the floor. I stared in horror. Everyone was at lunch, so no one was in the classroom. Except for me and mommy. I ran up to her and crawled on her lap, getting my self soaked in blood. "Mommy? Mommy? Stop playing around. Mommy? Mommy! " i bursted into tears when she never answered. I heard the classroom door open, but I didn't mind it. I heard a shriek and someone yelled 'Call 9-1-1!' I was being pulled from my mommy. I started screaming and kicking. Then it was black. I opened my eyes to find myself at my front door. Daddy never answered the school calls, so one of the aids drove me. I opened the door and walked into the living room. New tears sprung to my face as i saw my dad. He was sitting in a chair. A puddle of blood just like mommy's around his chair. I screamed and ran up to him. I lifted his head up.

My eyes bursted open and i screamed. Patrick's face was still in my mind. He was covered in blood, but i could tell it was Patrick. My door swung open and Pete came rushing in. He saw me and sat by me. He wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into him and cried. "What happened? Do you get nightmares usually?" I shook my head. "This is the first one i have ever had. It was about parents, " i whispered parents. We spent some time like that. Then i got up and started fixing my make-up, hair, and outfit. "I love  what you did to you hair, " commented Pete. I nodded a thanks and re applied my war paint. Pete started laughing but stopped when i gave a confused look to him. "Me and the guys have to go away today. We'll be back in two days. Some of our friends are going to watch you. They'll be here soon. You will still be going to school also," "That reminds me. For Chem, we need one of our parents to come into the school for this genetics project, " i spoke. Pete gave me a 'so?' face and i sighed. "If i don't get one of my parents to come, Mr. Hartly is flunking me," Pete mouthed oh. "Well, that's a problem. I don't know. You might have to fail, then get your grades back up," i sighed and nodded. Pete walked out of my room as I fixed up my look. I heard them yell byes and the door shut. I looked st my clock and it was almost noon. I went downstairs and went to the kitchen. It took me about ten minutes to realize i never asked Pete what happened. I grabbed my phone as i warmed up some left over pizza from two nights ago.

Irina: i forgot to ask, what happened?

Pete: the nurses at the school said you had a panic attack.

I didn't answer back. A panic attack? Is that bad? The food started beeping and i realizes I was gnawing on a fork. I threw the fork into the sink and was about to go get my food when there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. It took me a minute to register who was in front of me. "She looks like a mini you, Andy," said Jinxx. I stared at them dumbfounded. "Let me guess, Patrick sent you here to "watch me" But really sent you here so i don't do anything stupid?" I asked. They sadly nodded. I let them in and looked at my shirt. I probably did look like Andy. When they hit the living room, they sat in different seats. I grabbed my pizza and hoped on to Jinxx's lap. He looked at the pizza. "Do i get some?" He asked. I took a bite and shook my head. He made a pouty face and we all laughed. I'm gonna have a fun three days with them. I thought.

Hey. How was it? Sorry it took me a while to update, but i had to mske sure it was good. Keep reading and recommend please. I would like to get to a hundred views by the end of December. Take care my young Killjoys, and lste Thanksgiving -The_Mighty_Fall 11-30-15

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