I'm Sorry~

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This chapter is dedicated to @boo_youslut69. Thanks for always being the first to comment and loving my books.

The man, Patrick, spent the next hour trying to get me to remember. Nothing worked. I had no clue who he or the rest were. By the end of the hour, he walked out of the room, in tears. I really don't know why I am making him cry. He claims to be my father, but my father was fatter, and a brunette. I think. I never really met him.

I laid on the bed, looking at the ceiling. I heard one of them stir and sit up, yawning and stretching. I looked at him and we locked eyes. He had short blonde hair and tattoos. He smiled very big and went in for a hug. I yelped and he backed up, sadly smiling.

"What is up with random people trying to hug me," i muttered, but he heard.

"Random? We are your family,' he looked confused.

"The other guy said the same thing. I don't even know you people," he looked even more confused and hurt.

"Where did he go?"

"He went outside the room" i answer, then i am left with the other two, a burly man and a man with really curly hair. A little while later, the door opened. I thought it was those guys again, but it wasn't.

"Auntie!" I yelled hoarsely. She smiled at me and bent down to hug me. We woke the men in the chairs and they looked confused. My aunt looked confused back at them.

"Who are you?' She asked.

"We are her foster uncles. Who are you?" They replied. Foster?

"I am her aunt," they looked back and forth. I ran my hand through my hair and yelped when i saw that my hair was rainbow.

"What happened auntie?"

Patrick's POV :

The tears wouldn't stop. We told the hospital that she was taken. I couldn't let Pete go to jail, even if he almost killed my daughter. He was my friend. And he was drunk, it was a mistake. It was my fault. I shouldn't have let him have the last two drinks. But i did. It was all my fault. Now we have to stop the tour. And there is a chance the band might break up. She kept us together for a long time, and with out her, we fall apart.

It reminds me of that nursery rhyme.

Ring around the rosie
Pockets full of posies
Ashes, ashes
We all fall down

I don't really know why. Maybe because everything was going good, went downward, and now we are falling apart. Pete came out a little bit after me, crying a little bit also. I lost my Rin, and I won't be able to get her back. A women walked in front of us.

"What did you do to her," she hissed. I looked up.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Irina's aunt. I was meant to take care of her when her parents died, but the police got to her before i could. Now what did you do to my little Rin? " she had venom in her voice.

"It was all my fault," Pete said. He looked down and a tear dripped onto the ground. "I drank too much, and lost control of myself, "he whispered.

"You may be famous, but obviously you can't take care of a child. You will never get her back, and i will make sure of that,' with that, she left, into the room, where i could hear and excited 'Auntie ' be called out. I started crying harder.

□Time Lapse □

Irina's POV :

So turns out, i died my hair at one time, don't remember though. I arrived at Aunt Emily's house an hour later. The man Patrick looked really sad to see me go, but i was happy. Back to a place i know. Her house wasn't far from the hospital. I ran into the house, smelling the sweet smell of lemons and flowers. I smiled and laughed at Emily. She smiled back.

"I missed here. But why am i not at moms?" She looked at me sadly as she sat her purse on her counter. "Actually, i look and feel older than before," she led my to the couches and sat me down.

'Honey. Something happened. A couple of years ago, your parents died in a crash. Your mind must not have been able to take the pain after,' tears came to my eyes.

"Oh. What about Milo. Where was he when i needed him," i asked, my voice cracking. It still hurt but i could talk now.

"He got in a car crash soon after. You actually witnessed it," she said. I sobbed and fell to my knees, no stopping the tears. Emily came and wrapped her arms around me.

"Well, welcome home. Only one rule. Don't go into the black doored closet, ever. Bad things are in there,"i nodded.

"Emily, what is my favorite color. What kind of clothes do i wear?" I asked, trying to figure out myself.

"You love pink and you wear girly clothes, like dresses and skirts," i listened to her, but little did i know she was trying to change me.

□Time Lapse □

'Dinners ready" Emily screamed from downstairs. I smiled and threw my phone across my bed. I jumped up and ran downstairs, quickly grabbing a plate of Mac N' Cheese, and sitting down at the table. Emily soon joined me.

"Emily, what is in the black doored closet," i have seen it, and it doesn't look dangerous. She froze for a little, anger coming over her. Then it disappeared.

"Nothing honey. And don't ask about it again," she said sternly. I nodded and finished my food in silence, when i finished, i rinsed off my plate and ran upstairs. I passed the black doored closet, when I stopped. I looked at it and felt something. Like it was calling for me. I backed up and put my hand on the knob, slowly turning it to keep it quiet. When the door was fully opened, it was full of posters and clothes. I pulled one of the posters out, confused. I looked at the poster, and then there was a pain in my head, making me scream and fall backwards, knocking me out instantly.

How was it. Sorry for no picture. Couldn't find one that fit this chapter. Please please please tell me how it is. Intense right now, isn't it? Stay fedorable - The_Mighty_Fall 1-9-16

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