Good Things Always Happen ~

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Patrick's POV:

I haven't seen my Rin in over two months. We stopped the tour, not being able to go on without her. We all haven't talked in those months. We have been doing things on our own. Yes, we still live with each other. Things just weren't the same. Rin was all over the news, telling the false story I told them. Pete was the worst. He broke up with Meagan and locked himself in his room. I was pretty close to that. I would go out for hours and come back drunk, breaking everything I can until Andy or Joe comes down and calms me. They all try and comfort me and Pete, but they don't realize how hurt we are.

I laid down on the couch, empty glass bottles all around me. My hair was a mess, and my clothes had stains on them. Bags were forming under my eyes. I shook when thunder cracked outside. Tears slid out of my eyes, remembering what me and Rin did every time there was thunderstorm. We could grab all of the blankets and make a huge fort. Then we would stay in it until the storm was over or until we were hungry. I laughed sadly, more tears forming. I was snapped out of my memories when there was a knock at the door. I didn't budge. They could come back another day. They knocked again, louder and harder this time.

"Leave us alone!" I yelled. The person knocked again, the hardest yet. I groaned and got up, moving away all of the empty bottles. Everyone else was in their rooms even though it was 2:00pm. I lumbered to the door, grunting with every painful move. I wrapped my hand around the door and opened. My breath stopped and tears came to my eyes.

"Rin!?" I asked, choking back tears.

Irina's POV:

My memory was slowly coming back. Ever since two months ago when I opened the black doored closet. I never told Emily because I remembered how she betrayed my family. She has always wanted to take me and change me into a preppy snotty girl. She even accused my parents of abusing me. Of course that wasn't true. She didn't win the argument and served four months in jail for lying to the court. I remembered how Milo died, when I heard my parents died. We were in my old house, the one my parents had. She changed everything around and hid my posters so I wouldn't ask questions. That devious little. I almost remembered everything. There was just one question. Who was Patrick and the others guys? I remembered they were in a famous band, Fall Out Boy, but I still didn't know what he was to me.

I sat in my pink room, staring at my phone. Those guys haven't been on Twitter since the hospital. I pulled up a picture of them and looked at Patrick, then Pete, then Andy, then Joe. Wait. I remember their names! That was a start. I looked at them closely. I still couldn't remember who they were to me.

I stood up and looked in my mirror. I messed around with my hair until I found the way I wanted it. I had it off to the side with a black and white bow. I grabbed my eyeliner and layered it around my eyes, making a winged look. I grabbed one of my black shirts and grabbed scissors, chopping off the bottom half and taking off my other shirt. I put on the make shift crop top and grabbed my only pair of skinny jeans, putting them on and taking a black sharpie, drawing the MCR, BVB, P!ATD, and FIR logo on them. Then on the edge of my left hand, i drew the FOB symbol like in the Youngblood chronicles. I looked like my old self. I grabbed my phone and softly put on Caught Like A Fly. The slow part came on and I stared at myself intently. I wish my dad was here. I thought. But he was here.

That's when I remembered. Patrick was my dad. I smiled at myself and grabbed my phone charger, my phone, some clothes, my bathroom supplies, and shoved them into a bag. I shoved on my boots and grabbed a post it note, writing it to Aunt Emily. With that, I sat it on my nightstand and opened my window in my room. I looked back at the room and smirked. The rain fell hard. I climbed down the tree next to my window and landed softly with a thud on the soaked ground. I knew exactly were Patrick lived. And I ran towards it. My hair started to droop and I lost my bow somewhere back there. I smiled the whole way there, though. The neighborhood was just as I left it, except for my home. The grass was over grown, the paint was chipping, and it looks like no one ever left. They must feel horrible. When I remembered that night with Pete, I was shocked, but I made myself forgive him. He was drunk, what can I say.

I took a step up the driveway and then another. Until I was at the door. My hair was drenched and so was my bag. I took a deep breath and knocked. No answer. I knocked again and got a response.

"Leave us alone!" I heard someone yell from inside. I knocked again, harder. I heard a groan and clanking of glass. The door opened before me and I saw Patrick. God. He looked horrible. Bags were growing under his eyes and I could smell alcohol on him. His hair was a mess and he didn't have his fedora, even though he doesn't wear it at home. His shirt was stained. He looked at me shocked and I hugged him. I was nearly as tall as him. He froze at first, but then slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"I remember," I whispered in his ear and I could feel his smile. He pulled away from me and smiled.

"Oh god. Go brush your teeth. Have you been trying to drink away all of your problems," I said, catching a whiff of his breath. He chuckled. Pete walked down the stairs, that were clear so see from here.

"Patrick, who is at the door?" Pete asked. He looked worst. He hid his arms behind him, but I knew something was wrong with him. He was in pain. I could tell in his eyes. I could also tell that he was upset with himself. I walked in front of Patrick and looked at Pete. He looked happy but didn't come towards me.

"Give me your arms, Pete," I said. He froze so i walked to him and pulled his arms from behind him. His clothes were blood stained. I pulled up the sleeves and a few tears escaped.

"Pete. You guys really did fall apart with out me," I said. I pulled Pete into the kitchen and started to clean off his cuts, wrapping them in a bandage.

"First things first, everyone needs to clean up, including myself. Patrick, you go take a shower, Pete, throw away the blades, and I will go explain this to my aunt," i stated. They both nodded and I grabbed my phone walking into the living room. Before I could call her, my aunt called me. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Where are you Rin! I am coming to get you and take you back!" she yelled into the phone.

"No. You can't control me, you backstabber. You will not change me. Oh, and by the way, i remember everything. I started remembering when I saw my posters. I'm with my family, and you are not it!" i hung up before she could say another word.


Heyo peeps. How is the book going. Poor Pete. He did do something bad, but it destroyed him. Please comment and tell me what to fix and what-not. See ya. Stay fedorable -The_Mighty_Fall


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