In The Years To Come ~

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For the next year, I sat in my room. A worker occasionally came up and gave me water and food. I had everything I needed in my room. A bathroom, a shower, a bed. I needed nothing more. I sat on my bed. My head on the wall. I had my music playing next to me. There wasn't much good music in the year of 2010 , so I listened to Panic! At The Disco. This music caught my attention when....when......when it happened. I heard not on my door and didn't answer. The door opened up.

"Rin, start packing up. You're.... Um.....switching centers," I sat up straight. I got off the bed and looked at the worker. This one wasn't the same one who gave me food. I nodded and went to my closet. I grabbed my bag and started grabbing clothes. When everything was packed up, I went downstairs. No one has seen me in a year. I heard the whispers.

"She's the eleven year old who totally hid from everyone."
"Poor girl."
"Sh. She's coming"

I held my head down and didn't look up. I got to the car waiting for me out there. I got in and plugged my headphones on. I listened to music until we got to the airport.

"Here is your ticket. And don't get hurt," she said. I nodded, grabbed the ticket, and got out of the car. The airport was crowded, but I made my way to security check. I went through with a breeze. The cop directed me to my plane. They were just opening the gate, and I was near the top of the line. I looked at my ticket as I waited and gasped. I was in first class. When it came time in the line, I handed her my ticket. She looked at me up and down.

"Lucky one aren't we?" She asked smiley. I gave her a nod and made my way to my seat. I found and empty seat with no one in it and sat down. I stashed my bag below my legs and plugged my headphones into my MP3 player. No phone for me yet. I was about to put my headphones on, when someone sat next to me. I looked at them and had to do a double take.

"Are you Brenden? Like Brenden Urie?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Have it happened to find a fan?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Big fan," I responded. He smiled again. I looked at my headphones (and they aren't like the ear buds). "Would you mind signing these?" I ask. And he nodded and pulled out a Sharpie. "Do you always bring one with you?" I ask.

"Never know when I will need one," I laughed for the first time in a year. I put my headphones on and stared out the window.

*Time Lapse *

"Hey. Wake up," I opened my eyes and looked around. Brenden was looking over at me. My player was dead, so there was nothing but silence in my headphones. I took them off and looked around.

"We're landing," I thanked him and shoved my headphones and dead MP3 into my bag. We landed and the flight attendants herded us off. I stumbled around the airport for a while, until I found someone holding up a sign that said " Winter Sky " I walked up to the girl holding the sign.

"Hi. I'm Irina," I held out my hand. She took it and we headed off to her car. The ride to the center was quiet. Only music was playing.

"So. Welcome," she broke the silence. "I've heard about your past, and I am sure you'll love it here," she tried starting a conversation. I nodded and said sure. We arrived soon after and I was disappointed with the place.

It was a sunshine yellow with orange doors. We walked inside and the room was a magenta color. The colors made me wanna throw up. They signed some papers and I was sent to see my new room. It was a light pink and there was only one bed. I was at least grateful to not have a roommate. My bag was already in the room and I started unpacking.

"I hope you like it?" Someone appeared at my door.

"Can you get me new paint?" I asked.

"Um. Sure? What color?"

"Black and dark blue," I answered right away. She nodded and left my room. I finished unpacking. I laid on my bed and plugged in my player. A worker came in later and sat the paint down near the door. By the time night came, I couldn't stay in the room. I opened my window and jumped out. There was only one floor and a basement, so I didn't jump far. I ran off to a park I saw on the ride there. I sat on the bent and stared at the stars. When I saw a hint of yellow, I ran back to my room and closed the window. No one even noticed I was out the whole night. I smiled at my smartness, and fell asleep. For real.

Good, eh, or horrible? Please tell. Please do. Peace - The_Mighty_Fall

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