First Concert And All I Get Is Hate~

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It was finally seven. I had a blue FOB jean jacket with the logo on the top, a long sleeve crop top, high waisted black skinny jeans,and  blue and black knee high Converse with a black beanie on. I ran my hands through my rainbow hair. They weren't going to announce me until the end of the show, right before the Meet and Greet. Great. (Note the sarcasm). Not good. Who knows how much hate I will get.

Time started to fly by, and before I knew it, it was ten, the ending of the show.

"Okay everyone. Before we end the show tonight, we have a surprise," Pete started, looking at Patrick for him to finish.

"So about a year ago. There was something one the news about a foster girl being put in jail for writing 'Fall Out Boy Forever' on the side of Chicago bridge,"

"It was actually very pretty if you haven't seen it," Pete cut in. Patrick glared at him.

"As I was saying, I saw she was in foster care, not being able to hold a home. So I thought ,and with a little help from the guys, I would like to introduce Irina to the stage, my daughter,"  I took a deep breath and walked onto stage, standing next to Trick. The crowd was silent. My breath hitched and I got scared. They didn't like me. It was obvious. I looked down and waved slightly.

"Trick, I think they are shocked," Joe said, pointing out the obvious. I heard a lot of 'No dip' and other choice words. Tears came to my eyes, but I held them back. I knew they wouldn't like me. Like I said, I'm that bad adoption.

"Yeah. I think so to. Well, that concludes our show. Goodnight Chicago!" he screamed before running off stage with me. When we got back stage, i fell to my knees, crying. I leaned my back against a wall and cried into my knees.

"Oh, honey, don't cry," Pat said.

"But come on. They hate me," i mumbled through tears. The all were quiet until Pete spoke up.

"Come on, Rin. We need to go to Meet and Greet and you are coming with us," He grabbed my arm, pulling me up and wiping off the make up that dripped down. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was like a brother to me.

~Time Lapse ~

The Meet and Greet didn't go as bad. But still pretty bad. I sat alone on the bus. The guys went out the bar, where I could not go. They left about an hour ago. It was now one in the morning, and dang was i tired. I was just about to get up and go to bed when Pete stumbled in, very drunk. He walked towards me and fell into my arms.

"Whoa Pete," I said, a little shocked. He looked at me and smiled. Then before I could react, he kissed me. I pushed him away.

"I have always wanted to do that," He slurred into my ear. I pushed him away, but he got closer, making back up into a wall.

"Pete," I warned, but he got closer. "Peter," I started getting scared. "Pete!" I yelped and he shoved me into the wall, kissing me and making his hands run up my shirt. I tried to push him away, but he took my hands and pinned them above my head. I struggled harder and he pulled away, anger in his eyes.

"Stop it, B*tch!" he yelled into my face. I whimpered and started to cry. I struggled to get away, but he got madder.  He unpinned me, but wrapped his hand around my throat, squeezing. I gasped and stood straighter. My oxygen was cut off and I could already feel my lungs  disagreeing. He squeezed harder and I wrapped my hands around his, trying to pull away. No avail, though. He squeezed harder and black spots started to cover my vision. Before I could go under, his hand was away from my neck. I dropped like lead, banging my head to the floor. The black spots dissipated and I saw Patrick on top of Pete, punching him. Andy came next to me and held onto me.

"Andy," I managed to get out before the darkness took me.

~Time Lapse ~

"Will she wake up?" I heard someone ask, Patrick maybe??

"We don't know. Her body took the automatic route to healing and possibly forgetting everything that happened," someone else said. Forgetting?? Why  would I forget what happened. Wait. What did happen? Where am I? Why am I here? So many questions I can't answer.

"So she has a possibility of not remembering me?" asked P....P Preston maybe?? I can't remember.

~Time Lapse (Sorry)~

I opened my eyes to a white place.  I turned my head to find four unfamiliar men sleeping in chairs.  I stood up slowly and looked around. I was at a hospital. I think. I grunted and rubbed my neck to find a neck brace. I took a deep breath and gasped in pain. That woke up one of the men. He had dirty blonde hair and a black fedora. He stared at me and smiled.

"You're awake," he sounded very happy. I took a sip of the water on a tray next to my bed.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice still very hoarse. His smiled fell and tears filled his eyes.

"You don't remember me?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"No. Who are you?" I asked again.

"I..I'm your father," He said.


Hey peeps. Wow. She doesn't remember any of them. Sorry, but this kind of goes with the story line. I already have a way of how she remembers them. Yes, I said she will remember the. Of course she will, this book just started. But Pete though. Aren't you worried about him. I haven't told you what happened to him. Keep reading to find out. Bye. Stay fedorable - The_Mighty_Fall 1-9-16

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