Chemistry ~

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~Time Lapse To Month Before Tour~

I slapped the snooze button as Victorious played. I sat up in my bed and looked at the day. It was Tuesday. I 'ugged' and got up. I went to my closet and picked out my outfit.

I had holed jeans with an MCR long sleeve. I shoved my converse on and went to the bathroom. I combed down my hair. I re dyed it light blue at top, white at bottom, and dark blue highlights about a month ago. I surrounded my eyes with eyeliner and gracefully put on black lipstick.

There was only a month and two days til I went on the Monumentour. They had already gone on Save Rock And Roll, and that was super fun. But this time will be more fun, because we got Paramore with us.

I grabbed my Panic! Backpack and walked downstairs. I grabbed an apple and grabbed a sticky note. I quickly told Patrick good morning and sat the pen down. I rushed out the door and started my way to school. Patrick set me up for school last year, and I still didn't have friends.

I ate my apple on the way to school, and when I got to school I went to my locker. I shoved my backpack in and grabbed my chemistry books. As I walked to the class, everyone scurried out of the way. No one talked to me, or bullied me. I was the queen bee at the school. I was since I bashed in Sonya's face. She was the old queen bee. She tried picking on me, and I had it.

At first, I thought it was because someone figured out that my parent's were Fall Out Boy, but no one has found out. But, of course, the principle knew.

I entered Chemistry just as the bell rung. I sat down in my spot.

"Okay everyone quiet. This week, is genetics week. Take out a piece of paper and right down your interest," we all took out a piece of paper and started writing. I wrote down music as my first. I then went on to write singing, playing guitar, and drawing. I started to write down Marching Band, but rethought and crossed it out.

"Now stop. Keep this paper until tomorrow. Tomorrow, I want your parents to come so I can show you how your interests will be similar to you mother or father," said Mr. Hartly ,my chem teacher. Right away, there was a hand.

"What if you are adopted?" Asked Sandy, one of the nerds.

"It will still work. Adopter tend to adopt those who are similar to them," he answered. I raised my hand next. He looked a little shocked to see my hand. Even though I Ace every class, I never raise my hand.

"Yes Irina?"

"My parents can't make it tomorrow," and it was true. Besides the fact that no one can know yet, the had an interview. Mr. Hartly looked puzzled for a little while.

"Hmm. Then have your mother or father write down a list of their interest," I nodded and looked down at my paper. The rest of the hour, I didn't listen. Instead I thought. When the bell rang, I was the first one out. I went to my locker to put away my chem books, and get out math.

~Time Lapse To After School~

I walked back home from school. I went inside and found a note on the fridge.
Had an interview. See you when we get home


The guys have been having a lot more interviews since some bonehead leaked that there was a monumentour and that Paramore was going.

Since the guys were out, i grabbed some money and walked down to the store. I went and bought hair healer and strengthener, then some red dye. I paid for it and walked back to my home, which was not even two miles from the store. My phone vibrated in my pocket and i pulled it out. It was from Patrick.

Patrick: hows it going?

Irina: never better. I'm re dying my hair.

Patrick : Ooo. What color?

Irina : gonna have wait til you get home.

Patrick : okay see you in an hour or so.

I get in the house and walk to my bathroom. I had extra bleach left over from any of the other times I re dyed my hair and used it.

I used the healer and strengthener then put the dye in. By the time the guys were home, my hair was clean and the dye was in. I could hear them downstairs, messing around and goofing off. I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked downstairs.

"Patrick. We're doing this genetics project in Chem, and i need you to write down a list of interest, " he nodded and I walked back upstairs. I took my hair out and stared st my self in the mirror. I grabbed a pair of scissors from my nightstand (don't ask ) and grabbed a piece of my hair, and held the scissors up to it. I closed my eyes and heard a snip. The tension on that part of my hair went slack. And i kept doing that until it was the way i liked it.

Sorry for taking a while to finish this. But how is it. Please comment and recommend. I think I have around 50 views. Wow! That is the mosr any of my books have had, even with them being combined. Keep reading - The_Mighty_Fall

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