My Immortal Soul ~

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I slipped out of the room so no one would notice I was gone. I shrugged my jacket on as I walked outside. Hailing a cab, I told the driver the address my 'assassin' told me. I was scared. Who wouldn't be, knowing you will be dying in less than half an hour.  I opened up my texting app and texted Pete.

Pete, I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier, but I thought it all was a prank. Until I realized it was not. Tell everyone I'm sorry, but I had to do this. I can't let anyone get hurt. He took Patrick. I'm going to save him. I know he will tell you where he is. Where I am. All I ask for, though, is to be cremated and buried under a tree next to a river where the sun sets are beautiful. I love you guys. Don't miss me.

I sent the text, not answering the texts that followed after.

I got to the address soon. It was an abandoned warehouse. Ironic. I took a deep breath before I stepped out of the taxi, throwing him some cash. I walked into the warehouse, trying to hear a sound.

After some time of walking, I heard voices. It was an unknown voice. The next voice crushed my heart. It was Patrick's.

"Please. I beg of you. Reconsider. Quit your job. Just, please don't kill my Rin. We need her to survive. We will fall apart,"He asked, his voice thick with tears and pain.

"Sorry. I guess you guys will have a fall out, boy. I never quit my job just because one, lonely, love-struck man asked me to. I'm not that way. I finish my job. And then I get paid," A sob was caught in my throat.  I took a deep breath, following the voices again and into a darkish room. I stepped through the doorway and saw Patrick, tied up in a chair.

"Patrick!" i exclaimed.  I rushed over to his side and started to untie him.

"Finally you came," I slowly stood up and felt the cold tip of a gun press against my head.

"Run Rin. Run girl. Run for your life," Patrick yelled at me. I ignored him.

"Why aren't you running? Why aren't you running like your parents?" He asked, malice in his voice. I slowly turned around, looking down the front of a gun.

"Because I'm not scared. And I would do anything to save my family from destruction," I closed my eyes, waiting. Before time could react, i heard the click of the gun. Then nothing.

Pete's POV:

I stood up, pacing in the dressing room that Rin was once in. She left to save us. Andy and Joe sat on the edge of the couch, staring at my phone. I jerked when it started ringing. I snatched it from the table, putting it on speaker.

"Pete?Pete! Are you there?!" Patrick's frantic voice brought dread to my heart.

"Patrick? We are here. What happened. Where is Rin," the line went silent. I could hear sobbing in the background.

"P..Pete. She.. um..... Rin  sacrificed herself. She... she's dead," His words shattered my eyes. I dropped the phone and fell to the ground, sobbing. Joe picked up the phone and they talked. I would never be the same. I would never be able to look into her warm eyes.

"Rin. My brave girl. Why? Why did you have to go and save us. You shouldn't have left us," I whispered to myself. I stayed there for what seemed like forever. Joe and Andy soon left to get Patrick and her body, after calling the police to tell them where she was.

That day, is the day everyone in Fall Out Boy went down hill. We went on hiatus, still living in the same house though. We tried to keep each other together, but it was hard. No one went upstairs, not wanting to face her room.  That was the day the world broke.

Sorry, but THE END.


THE FREAKING FEELS. I am so sorry for this chapter, but I had to find a way to end the story. Good luck though, if enough people want it, there will be a second book.

Thanks to everyone that kept along with this book. I wouldn't have kept writing if it wasn't for you guys. I hoped you really did like it, if not, tell me what I did wrong. See you for my next book. And please check out my other books. Stay fedorable - The_Mighty_Fall 2/8/16

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