A Little Too Protective ~

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Tomorrow was the last day i got with them. Andy was the coolest to hang around, but a little on the naughty side. I walked up our stairs and opened the door. I walked i and Andy was standing up with his arms crossing. He looked p*ssed. "Who pooped in your Cheerios, Andy," he looked like he could light up a room with fury. "Whats wrong? Whats wrong?! Whats wrong! What's wrong is that you got a three day detention" Andy exploded. I looked at him in shock. "What did you do. Steal school money? Bully a kid?" He asked. I sat my bag down, rolled my eyes and walked next to Andy, crossing my arms. "No. What i did was get one 'f'. This teacher is a d*uche and failed me just because my parents couldn't come to school today," i sassed back. I heard a 'oh no. The Sasstrick has came' and i looked over to see Jinxx and the rest of the guys peeking from the kitchen door. "Okay. Fine. That's agreeable. Then what are these?" He asked, pulling out my extra razors for my shaver. I gave him a 'are you serious' look. "Um. I don't know. Maybe extra razors so i can shave my legs?" I said. I could tell on his face that he didn't believe me. "Show me your wrist," he said. I narrowed my eyes. "No. If you can't believe me, then fine. I've never lied to you or Patrick, but you still don't believe me. So much for trust, " i answer, i turn to the stairs and run up to my room and lock the door. I took a small mirror that was on my dresser and threw it across the room. It shattered and flew everywhere around my room. I sat next to my bed and grabbed my laptop. It was blue and black. I got it sometime last year. I went onto Twitter and looked at my notifications. The world still didn't know i was, so i couldn't see what the guys were saying. I mean i could. But i just don't get notifications. I went onto Patrick's wall. He had a new tweet.

@PatrickStump: Just got finished with another interview in beautiful Florida.

I smiled when i saw the picture he posted. He tagged the rest of the guys. My phone started buzzing and I looked at the Caller-Id. It was Patrick. I answered and pulled it to my ear.
'Rin, are you okay? "He asked. "Never better. Why?"
"Andy just called freaking out. Something about how he's scared about your health?" I sighed.
"He asked me something that wasn't true, so i told him the truth and he didn't believe me. You have nothing to worry about,"
"Okay stay safe," i smiled and hung up. I went back to Twitter.

~Time Lapse ~

It was nine, and my stomach was annoying the world out of me. I closed my laptop and unlocked the door. I walked out and down the stairs. Andy and Jinxx were sitting on the couch, absorbed by the TV. I crept around them to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out leftovers from last night. I pulled out a slice and froze when i saw Andy looking at me. Before i could react, he ran at me and pinned me to the ground. I dropped the pizza and screamed. Jinxx ran into the kitchen, in fear. Andy pulled my sleeves down and froze when he saw they were clean. He got off of me and looked ashamed.
"Um. Sorry. I just.... i really thought you cut, " he blushed. I got up off of the ground and punched Andy. Square in the cheek. He fell backwards. I threw the pizza away and stormed upstairs.

Hey. Long time no see. I just wanted to say, sorry for not updating a lot. And..... 100 views! !!!!! This means more than anything for me. None of my books have ever gotten this many reads. Please keep reading and comment if it is good or bad - The_Mighty_Fall 12-10-15

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