"The Bad Adoption" ~

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"Why are you such a horrible child!" Ana screamed at me.

"Why don't you just leave me be!" I scream back.

"Because i have to care for you!"

"No you don't. I can take care of myself!" I yelled. Someone came besides Ana, whispered something into her ear, then walked back out.

"You're grounded," she stated then she left. I slammed the door and screamed. I went to the window but stopped when I saw the lock from the outside. "Ugg". I laid on my bed and blasted my MP3. I was done with this place. I couldn't wait until I was eighteen. I know no one would adopt me now since I was all over the news. I got up and walked to my computer. I signed into Wattpad and started reading adopted by Fall Out Boy books. If only this could really happen. I thought.

*Time Lapse *

I woke up to be on my keyboard. I looked at my sleeping computer and got out of my chair. I must've fell asleep reading. Memories of the books came back and I sighed at those memories. They were awesome. If those books could be real. My door opened and Ana stuck her head in.

" Get dress. You're going out today," I nodded. Today was a sunny day so I grabbed black short shorts, a crop top, black knee high socks, and black converse. I fixed my hair up and started applying my eyeliner. When I finished, I smoothly put on black lipstick. Ana came back up and opened my door. She saw me and I could see her judging me.

"Are you going sit there and judge me, or tell what you came up for?" She pinched her lips together.

"Make sure to bring money," she finally said. I grabbed a box from underneath my bed and opened it. Stacks of money laid in there. I have saved up for so long to get this much. I took out two twenties and checked the clock on my wall. Wow. It's eight. I followed Ana out to the car and got into her grey Porsche. The ride was impossiblely quiet.

"I'm going to pick you up around ten at the same place I drop you off. Okay?" I nodded and looked around at where we were. We were downtown. We stopped in front of a Starbucks, and I got out. She rolled down the passenger window.

"Go in and order. He will be here soon," I nodded again and walked in. I got in line and ordered a latte. I sat down at a table and waited. I sat there, wondering who might "he" be, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a man.

"Are you Irina?" He asked. His voice sounded familiar. I stood up.

"Yes," I held out my hand and he shook it. He sat in the seat across from me. He had a hat on and shades. He wore a short sleeve shirt and jeans.

"Nice outfit," I heard him chuckle.

"Thanks. Love my outfit also," I said. A smile came to my face.

"Heard you've been going in and out of foster homes for four years," my smiled faded. I looked down. A waitress came and sat my latte at my table.

"Let's go for a walk," he got up and I placed a twenty to pay for the latte, and got up. We walked out to the park that I went to when I first got here. I liked it better at night. We sat on a bench and he took off his shades. His face was so familiar.

"You never told me your name," I said. He looked at me.

"It's Patrick," I must've had shock and wonder on my face, because he started laughing. I frowned and narrowed my eyes.

"Well, if you're going to be rude, I'll just leave," I said, getting up. He stopped laughing and grabbed my arm.

"Sorry. Your face was funny though," he said.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I asked.

" I wanted to meet my favorite fan. You must be my number one if you have to spray paint it on the bridge," the corner of my mouth turned up.

"Your music has stopped me from doing something worst than graffiti," I say honestly.

"Well good thing we make the songs," it was quiet for a little bit. "Do you ever people watch?" He asked.

"What!"I exclaimed.

" People watch. Y'know. Watch people. Watch them when they are in the park," he explained.

"No. Never have I ever," he laughed at that and I laughed also.


"Yes?" I asked.

"I didn't tell you the real reason that I wanted to talk to you. The real reason is because I want to adopt you," I stared at him dumbfounded, and I can tell he started to get worried. Is he stupid? Or just drunk? He must be joking.

"Are you joking," I blurted. He looked taken back.

"Is that wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and covered my face with my hands.

"No. But you'll hate me. I'm a type of child they call " The Bad Adoption". No one wants me," he looked sad.

"Well, I want you. That is why I want to adopt you. And you can help me, by helping you. I also have some issues I still have to get through," he spoke.

"I know. Elisa. Everyone knows," I snapped. He put his arm are me and gave me a side hug.

"What time is it?" I asked. He checked his phone.


"I have to meet them back at Starbucks at ten," and with that, we got up and walked back to Starbucks. When we got there, Ana's car was waiting there. I was about to get in when Patrick stopped me.

"Stay safe. Don't get arrested," he joked. I nodded and got in. As Ana drove off, he waved. I waved back.

"How did you like him?" She asked.

"He made me laugh," Ana almost hit a car and her mouth dropped open.

"Really?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"There goes my good mood," I mumbled. Her smile faded.

"Can we stop at the store?" I asked. She nodded and we stopped at the next store. I ran inside and looked at their hair dye selection. I picked this really nice color and bleach. I then went to the ladies section and picked out something guys don't need to know about. I went to a girl cashier and bought it. Today, I used up my fourty bucks. We got back to the adoption center and I went straight to my room. I went to my bathroom. And for the rest of the day, I re dyed my hair.

Sorry for the long chapter. Good, bad? Please tell me. -The_Mighty_Fall

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