The Tour Talk And Other Stuff ~

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Irina POV:

When they finished recording, Patrick came up and got me for dinner. I made myself look presentable and walked downstairs. Pete, Andy, and Joe sat on the couch.

"Where's Patrick" I asked. They looked at me and shrugged.

"I'm right here," he said running down the stairs, putting his coat and fedora on. He walked outside and the guys followed.

"Does anyone else realize he forgot the keys," I said, looking at them. They smiled and I grabbed the keys. I walked out and Patrick was rushing back in.

"Looking for these?" I asked hold the keys up. He smiled.

"Thank you," he said grabbing them.

"You looked busy so I grabbed them," he started laughing. We got into the car. I was smooched between Joe and the door. I looked out the window the whole ride, staring out at a place I've never seen.

We ordered our food and sipped on our drinks

"So Irina. Tell us about yourself," said Pete. I thought for a little bit.

"My full name is Irina Rose. Im fourteen. My favorite color is an aqua type green. When I was ten, I was in marching band. I did color guard. When I was seven, I played in percussion, but then I quit and took secret lessons to play the guitar. But I was never really any good. And then my and I was put into adoption centers," I spoke. They looked kind of shocked. Then I looked shocked.

"That is the first I have openly shared my back story," I commented. They started laughing, and I laughed. Our food came and we stopped talking for a while.

"Hey Irina-" started Pete.
"You can just call me Rin, if you want," I interrupted.

"Okay, Rin, would you like to go on tour with us?" I stopped eating. "I mean, when we have a tour. We aren't planning one yet," added Pete.

"Of course. That would be awesome. When can you predict the tour?" I asked. I could see thought form on Patrick's face.

"From how fast we are making songs and recording, next year ish, " Not awesome. Ill be gone by then. I thought. I nodded and continued to stuff my face.

"Rin, do you have a phone? " I shook my head.

"Tomorrow, that will change," said Patrick. They went on talking about the new album and trying not to let it leak again. We finished eating and left after paying. We got in the car and this time, Joe was passenger and i was in between Pete and Andy. I sat my head on Pete's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me protectively. He heard my story, so he must realize that tonight was not a normal night.

We got back to the house, and we all said good night at one in the morning. I ran to my room and watched as Patrick went to the room next to me. I closed the door and went to the closet. I grabbed pajamas from the dresser with my jeans and took off my other outfit. I shoved the pajamas on. I had a flowy shirt on and PJ shorts.

I jumped into bed and looked around for the light switch. With it being brighter in the day, i didn't need light. I got out of bed and went to Patrick's room next to me. I knocked. He opened the door only wearing shorts.

"Um. Uh. You never showed me how to use the lights ," i spoke. He was confused at first, then the look disappeared.

"It's the clap on, clap off type," i mouthed oh, apologized and ran back to my room. I heard Patrick laughing behind me. I ran back to my room and clapped once. Nothing. Then i thought.

"Clap on," i said as i clapped the two words. Light sprung into my room. I got onto my bed and curled up it blankets. I clapped twice again, and my room was purged into darkness. Ah. Comforting darkness. I thought.

The sunlight leaked through my windows. I opened my eyes and forgot where I was for a second. Then yesterday came back.

I sat up and looked at the clock that was on a nightstand next to my bed. It was nine. I took the blankets off of me and I stood up. I opened my door and heard people talking downstairs. I walked down and Patrick and Pete were in the kitchen. They stopped talking and Patrick smiled when he saw me.

"Morning," I say.

"Good morning. Would you like some cereal?" I nodded and he went to go get the cereal.

"So Rin, me and Patrick were thinking. We really liked your last name, so we thought we would move it to your middle name. Do you like that?" Asked Pete.

"Whose last name will I be getting?"

"Patrick's of course. He was the one who adopted you," he replied. Irina Rose Stump.

"I love it!" I gave a small smile.

This chapter is somewhat short. Sorry. How do you like the name. Irina Rose Stump. I just thought of it. Keep reading please - The_Mighty_Fall

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