My First Time ~

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I flung red and white hair over my shoulder so I didn't get spray paint on it. I finished the r and took my second color. The darkness comforted me, even hides me in the black clothing. I hung onto the bridge and looked down at the water below. I started coloring in the r, when a light landed on me.

"Hey. What are you doing?" Luckily they closed the bridge down so i didn't have to worry about cars. But I did have to worry about cops.

"Sh*t! I'm so f*cking screwed!" I whispered. The cop was getting closer.

"Hey. Come out!" I looked down at the water, then back at the cop.

"Here goes nothing," I heard the cop running behind me and I jumped. I plugged my nose and made myself arrow dynamic. I hit the water with a splash. I swam back up and sucked in air. I started swimming towards shore. I had to get there before the police. I can't get caught again. When I got to the shore, I took off running. My hair rained water behind me.

"Stop right there! Stop!" They yelled. I kept running. I could see the lights in front, and hear them behind me. I stopped when I nearly ran into them. I put my hands on my heads as they held up their guns. More came behind me. They started reading me my rights as they handcuffed me. F*ck. That's the first time I jumped off of a bridge. I thought.

Patrick POV:

I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. The new. I was about to change it when they showed a picture of a girl. She was paled skin, eyeliner surrounded her eyes which were a dark green, red hair in the front and the rest was white. I turned the sound up.

"Now on different news, a fourteen year old girl was arrested last night for spray painting' Fall Out Boy Forever 'on the Chicago Bridge. And this isn't the girl's first time in jail. She has been caught either spray painting graffiti, running away, or underage drinking," they showed a picture of the bridge. The graffiti was beautiful, to be honest. "We have reasons to believe that this behavior is caused due to having suicidal parents and going back and forth between foster home, and the adoption centers. Here she is, telling her why she did it," it went black then showed the girl with a white background.

"Why did you do it?" Asked someone behind the camera. She looked p*ssed.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a crime to express my opinions. In fact. I thought this was a free country," she said. Anger flared in her eyes.

" It is a free country,".

"How is it a free country if we have laws?HM! Laws keep it from NOT being a free country," they cut her off and they go back to regular news. I changed the channel, but I couldn't get my mind off of the girl. I felt bad for her. She was a beautiful girl who was probably just misunderstood.

"Hey. What's on your mind," Pete sat next to me when i was thinking.

"Just about this thing on the news. It was about this girl who kept getting arrested. They think it's because her parents committed suicide and now she goes back and forth between foster homes," I told him. He was silent for a second. He grabbed his phone and started tapping away.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find out her story," I shrugged and went back to watching TV.

"Oh wow. Her story is bad. It says here that when she was ten, she witnessed her best friend getting hit by a car. She spent the next year only in her room. Then they switched her to Chicago and that was when she started breaking out, dying her hair, wearing black, and getting into trouble. They say she has one more foster home chance until they move her to another center. This girl has had it rough," I listened to Pete and my pity for her grew.

"Patrick. Do you think we should try to get her better? I mean, we also still need a little help and you don't do anything around here but whine about Elisa,"

"I do do stuff around here," Pete gave me a "seriously" face and pointed to the stacked up dishes, then the clothes everywhere, and then opened the fridge to show me the take outs. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the TV. He did have a point. "Ugg. Fine. But your calling," he nodded.

"I'll set it up," he said as he walked away, typing in a number.

Again. Tell me how it is please. Peace -The_Mighty_Fall

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