Chapter 26: Here with you.

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Chapter 26: Here with you.

Lilly's P.O.V. (8 p.m.)

We go buy backpacks to take our clothes in for our two-days-one-night thing

in Provence. We pack our garments then go eat. After a great dinner, we go to the train station.

"Provence!" Says a middle aged man, raising his hand up and signaling the train that's going to Provence.

"Attendre, Monsieur! Nous sommes en retard." (Wait, Sir! We're late.) Says Harry and hands the guy our ticket. The man gives us a disgusted look but then starts jumping frantically when he looks at Zayn and Niall.

"One Direction?" He asks happily.

"Yeah!" Says Niall. "Ask him if he can let us pass." He adds, looking at Harry.

"Pouves-vous nous laisser dans le train, Monsieur?" (Can you let us in the train, sir?) Says Harry.

"Avec une condition, que vous pour ma fillez. So nom est Agnes. Prende une photo!" (With one condition, that you'll sign this for my daughter. Her name is Agnes. And take a picture!)

"Of course!" Says Harry with a soft smile. The man hands the guys a napkin and a pen, each of the guys sign it. The man hands me his phone and motions to take a picture with Harry and Niall. He takes our backpacks and motions another guy, a young teenager, to put them on the train. He lets us pass and takes our tickets.


"Wait, we're first class?" I ask, sitting down next to Zayn. Shucks... He's got the window side. Louis sits next to Eleanor. Liam sits by the window and next to him is a smiling Danielle. Jade quickly makes her way to the seat in front of mine, also to the window side. Harry chuckles as he watches how quickly his girlfriend picked out her chair, like a little girl expectantly waiting for an ice cream cup. Niall sits in front of Harry, with a smile on his face and his eyes a little distant as if he were remembering something that happened earlier.

"'Course you're my princess therefore you shall be treated like one." Zayn purrs to my ear, making me giggle. To our luck there's only another person going first class.

"You didn't pay, silly." I say with a smirk.

"Smartass." I hear him whisper to himself.

"I heard that." I say, raising an eyebrow.

"That was the point." Zayn says sticking out his tongue.

"You irresistible doofus." I say and plant a peck on his lips, that leaves him paralyzed for a few seconds.

"Eww!" Says Louis with a grossed out look plastered on his Doncaster's sassy face. "Please! I'm too young to see those kind of kisses!"

"And so am I!" Says Niall, pouting in his seat.

"You guys better get used to it." Says Zayn with a smirk. The train's motor started but did not move.

"What are we going to do in Provence?" Danielle asks.

"Have fun?" Niall guesses.

"No shit, Sherlock." Says Jade with a chuckle. The guys burst out laughing at Jade's response.

"Well, the train has wifi. Google something up, guys." Says Liam. Harry and Louis happily take out their phones and typed in them quickly.

"How do you guys feel about the beach?" Says Louis sassily with a smirk.

"We'll go to the beach then!" Says Eleanor clapping her hands.

"I dunno... I don't feel like going to the beach..." Says Jade mournfully.

When she holds you close, I might just die inside.Where stories live. Discover now