Welcome to another book of ASTROLOGY!!!

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If you don't know, my name is Anna (you should already know that) and I am willing to accept any requests, submissions (like advice from your sign, other posts)!

I love seeing comments, vote and follows so don't hesitate to do so.

Ask me for your astrology chart and description by sending your birth chart to my inbox and don't be afraid-- I will not stalk you (obviously!)

I will do horoscopes and readings for all signs on specific days, so do wait for it!

If you don't know your sign, please check this thing (xD yup, "thing") below and start reading!!

Mar 21 - Apr 19 is Aries

Apr 20 - May 20 is Taurus

May 21 - Jun 20 is Gemini

Jun 21 - Jul 22 is Cancer

Jul 23 - Aug 22 is Leo

Aug 23 - Sep 22 is Virgo

Sep 23 - Oct 22 is Libra

Oct 23 - Nov 21 is Scorpio

Nov 22 - Dec 21 is Sagittarius

Dec 22 - Jan 19 is Capricorn

Jan 20 - Feb 18 is Aquarius

Feb 19 - Mar 20 is Pisces

Sometimes, at school, when someone's like "hehe you're a fish" to someone that's a Pisces, I get frustrated. It's not nice, unless you're a very close friend. Same with the other signs. I hear this all the time, like "Taurus people are stupid". NO.

I admit I'm stubborn with both feelings and intelligence, but the "stubborn" part is for their feelings. *facepalm* Get it right. PLS.

But in this case (I mean in this book), these are jokes are not meant to be taken seriously.

But please, do relax and enjoy while you read this!

Anna xx

Anna's Guide to AstrologyWhere stories live. Discover now