Convos - Capricorn and Virgo

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As requested by happyinmyworld.

Capricorn: ... *Does their work*

Virgo: So, um... Do you want to hang out with me?

Capricorn: Let me see if I'm busy... *checks schedule* 

Virgo: You don't have to though. I was just asking. If you're busy then--

Capricorn: Um, I can go.

Virgo: *Grinning* Great. Come by my house?

Capricorn: Okay *blushes slightly*


Virgo: Oh my God, what should I do? *frantically running in the house cleaning every speck of dust*

Capricorn: *stands outside the house, looking at the trees and pressing the bell 100x*

Virgo: *Opens the door and fixes hair* Oh, uh - Welcome.

Capricorn: Your house is pretty neat.

Virgo: *omg, 'pretty'? Nooo I have failed her standards* Um, yeah. I guess so.

Capricorn: I'm kinda hungry, got food?


*In Virgo's room*


Capricorn sits on Virgo's bed and sips the orange juice. Virgo stares at her and blushes. 

"So, heard anything lately?" Virgo asks.

"Like what?" Capricorn replies.

"I don't know... Politics, school?"

"Well, I heard that Leo had a great time at his party. He, like, passed out at the bar while checking out Libra." Capricorn laughs. Virgo grins.

"It's not really Libra's fault that she's pretty... Not that you aren't, of course," Virgo says. Capricorn almost ran out the door with a hint of envy.

"But doesn't Libra and you have like a hate-hate relationship?"

"Yeah! Definitely. I don't know why. I just have a weird feeling about it. She's too flirty for me."

Capricorn finishes her orange juice. She pours out more orange  juice for herself and Virgo.

"Cheers to whatever we are right now," Virgo winks and touches cups with Capricorn. She blushes and slaps Virgo playfully on the shoulders.



That was terrible (and short), but I hope that was cute enough for you.

Anna xx

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