moon sign sentiment

808 17 4

source: zodiac-guru via tumblr


Aries moon: emotions are explosive and overpowering. like a bomb, this moon persons feelings hit instantaneously and all at once, leaving those surrounded coated in ash and debris from the detonation. all is forgotten shorty after.

Gemini moon: emotions are spasmodic and confused, inconsistent like the speed of wind. this moon person acts erratically as if they are feeling for the first time, not understanding that feelings aren't meant to make sense.

Taurus Moon: emotions are deep but practical, this moon person dwelling neither too much nor too little, letting their feelings come and go as they please. they are wise regarding sentiment, knowing that no feeling, good or bad, is permanent.

Cancer moon: emotions are intense and relentless, like they are drowning inside themselves, leaving this moon person overwhelmed, exhausted, and constantly feeling tormented, like they must fight to stay afloat.

Leo moon: emotions are all consuming, untamed and insist on being felt. this moon person lives on a constant emotional roller coaster, highs are above the clouds and lows result in break downs. they wouldn't have it any other way.

Virgo moon: emotions are not dwelled upon but are instead suppressed, like boiling hot water increasingly sizzling under a closed lid. this continues until the event of an overflow, resulting in emotional collapse.

Libra moon: emotions are vague and watered down by logic and reason, being acknowledged but never truly felt. this moon person feels with the brain, never fully being able to make sense of their feelings.

Scorpio moon: emotions are powerful but concealed. this moon person feels everything but says nothing. everything is channeled inward leaving this moon person at constant war with themselves.

Sagittarius moon: emotions run wild with no regards for anything or anyone. emotions here are impulsive but fleeting, leaving the moon person in speedy search of an outlet for expression.

Capricorn moon: emotions are selectively ignored and rarely acted upon. this moon person will do everything in their power to subdue, repress and even kill their emotions, to no avail. this leaves the moon person feeling disturbed and out of control, which continues until they learn that they can't run from themselves.

Aquarius moon: this moon person lives inside their mind and way outside their heart, causing them to fabricate emotional responses as they see fit to compensate for their lack of feelings. this moon person is irrational when forced by life to inhabit their body.

Pisces moon: emotions of this placement run at a high velocity, constantly flowing with no other purpose but to be felt. this moon person is unconscious of their own depth, sometimes riding the waves that is their feelings, other times being drowned by them. they go out with no kicking or screaming.  

anna xx

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