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Hello fellow stars!

First, I would like to talk about copyright with this chapter and any other chapter I created. No, I did not copy anyone's works. I made this chapter with my own words with a bit of research and prior-knowledge. If you see anyone copying my works (word for word), tell me and report them. 

If you want to post my works onto your astrology book, PLEASE contact me somehow and ask for my permission. If my chapter has similar wording to any other posts (on any social media), they either copied me or it was a coincidence.

Here are some FAQs about cusps.


1. Cusps... What are they?

When you're born and your birthday sits between a specific date of two consecutive signs, you're called cusp-born. It means that you have traits of those two signs and yada, yada, yada...
For example: Aries and Taurus cusp date is April 17-22, so if you're born between those days, you have both of the signs traits (eg, some traits may be natural born leader, opinionated...)

2. Why don't you believe in cusps?

Now, this is the question I really wanted to answer. I do believe in cusps BUT, it isn't entirely true. Though you may relate to both signs, I don't really think cusps are the reason why.

In astrology, you are considered a cusp IF you are born on 0 degrees (not temperature-wise, of course) of one of the signs. Like if you're a Scorpio, and your placement chart * says 0 degrees, you're a Libra-Scorpio cusp.

If not, those signs have a big impact on your placement chart. 

3. Why do I relate to those two signs, even though I'm not on 0 degrees or in between the dates?

Okay, so like I said - You either have those as your top two dominants ** or the sign's planets is dominant. Also, there are three types of one sign depending on the degrees.

a) Take me, for example. My top two dominants are Aquarius and then Aries. I am a Taurus who isn't in between the cusp date, or on 0 degrees. So I relate more to Aquarius and Aries.
But in my case, Taurus is the third dominant, so it may be the reason why I can be quite aggressive but appreciate things in life as well.

b) What I meant by the sign's planet is what planet rules over that sign. So Aries is ruled by Mars, Taurus is ruled by Venus... etc.

c) If you take me again, I'm under 30 degrees of Taurus. So I'm a bit on the aggressive side, rather than the middle or Gemini's side. 

I hope I'm not shoving too much information down your throat. Sorry.

If there is something you don't understand, please ask me. That's about it for cusps. Any other information about cusps or questions will be added.

Anna xx

* - You can ask me to give you your placement chart, or go to

** - Signs that affect your personality/chart the most. Ask me for them. 

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