"The sign's characteristics as I have known them"

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based off on people librattarius knows.

Aries: loud, fun, carefree, and funny

Taurus: sporty, funny, clumsy, and defensive (whoops)

Gemini: sensitive, talkative, hard-working, and kind

Cancer: cheerful, loves working hands-on, sensitive, and good intentions

Leo: funny, adaptable, sassy, and loves to joke around

Virgo: so much social justice, loud, articulate, and harsh

Libra: whimsical, sensitive, superficial, and full of laughter

Scorpio: exaggerates, super sensitive, eccentric, and unique

Sagittarius: worrisome, offends people accidentally, hard-working, and opinionated

Capricorn: clingy, nice, distant, and very friendly and outgoing

~ I don't know why she left Aquarius out :P Meh, I'll do Aquarius~

Aquarius: detached, boastful, funny, unique/original, smart

Pisces: sensitive, outgoing, generally popular, and funny

Anna xx

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