Compatibility Ask! #9

975 21 3

asdfghjkl i forgot the number. (yeah, i don't check the numbers. i can't be bothered at all) i think there is a number that went wrong, oops.

"Pisces (m) and Pisces (m)?"

NOTICE: I don't judge if you're gay/lesbian, bisexual, pansexual... etc. IT IS WRONG IF YOU MAKE FUN OF ANY OF THIS. I will report and block you if you are to make fun of these people. Gay/lesbian people never laugh or make fun of straight people because it will make them look stupid. That's what you look like when you are making fun of gays/lesbians -- stupid.

This relationship is on point though! Pisces and Pisces will understand each other and dream together.

There will be some downs, but both of them must work together and support each other to have an amazing relationship.

Rating: 9.2/10

Anna xx

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