Horoscope Reading: 26/11/15

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Socially charming and more light hearted than of late, you want to continue mixing with a much wider range of people, and perhaps to explore new leisure activities. You will want to be out of your normal rout over the next two weeks to find stimulation with companions who will stretch your mind as well as keep you entertained. Head for younger mates in particular since they are forward looking, not stuck in a rut. They like you could not care less what tradition thinks or says.


Maybe you will not be very practical with the Sun's position in your chart, but you can always sort out what is workable in a few weeks time. This is the much more exciting stage of allowing your visions to flourish. Thinking and talking about loftier topics than usual, you will find your wide ranging mind is attracting you to fascinating new ideas. Promoting your pet causes to all and sundry with a great deal of evangelical zeal, you will not be overlooked.


You may complain about your difficult path just now but it will only last for a few weeks. At times it may seem like a struggle as confrontations litter your way ahead. Although you will be feeling secretive, it really is not a time to duck important issues. Be determined to tackle problems as they arise in a firm but flexible way. OK so you will not readily divulge what you are thinking to any but your nearest and dearest, but try to be more open when you can.


Blessed with tact and diplomacy, you should notice an improvement in your social life from now onwards for a few weeks. Your charming manner, a way of putting others at ease will attract all manner of compliments and intriguing invitations. Maybe you will feel slightly more vulnerable than usual with the Sun in your opposite sign, but there is support around if you look. Ask for what you need, but be prepared to compromise as well, since relationships always mean give and take. Find reliable, energetic mates on whom you can lean.


Maybe you are feeling resentful because you are not given all the appreciation you might like or higher rewards for your labours. But at the end of the day you will be better pleased doing a good job for its own sake, rather than gaining success and glory in the world. Just remember you need to be fit to crack on through the chores that are piling up in front of you.. Treat your body like a machine that needs the right treatment, good fuel and maintenance stops along the way.


This is the beginning of your festive mood. A real party animal you will be playing spontaneously and not settling down to dull, routine chores or following orders easily. Feeling happy go lucky, outgoing and romantic, you will allow your exuberance out on display as much as possible. More than anything what you want is to be applauded, so you will be cracking jokes and playing tricks so charmingly everyone will clap even harder.


If you can push heavier chores at work to one side for a few weeks it will help. Rather inward looking, you would like to feel more in touch with those close but also with yourself. Spiritual growth will be more important to you than outer ambition or glittering acclaim. You really yearn to feel rooted, as if you belonged to a familiar place and to the people who make you feel most relaxed. You may also now have a chance now to work out how best to improve your intimate surroundings. What you want is a beautiful home with an atmosphere of taste, elegance and comfort.


More letters and phone calls than usual will be keeping you on your toes, and a good many short distance trips will be keeping boredom well at bay over the next few weeks. You may be skimming the surface and cutting corners, since there will be less time for detail than usual. Try to pause for breath once in a while, and collect your wits. It will be important for you to be well regarded for your intelligence and way with words, so you will need to acquire depth as well as breadth of knowledge.


Into your best money making few weeks of the year, you will push hard to earn more. But the key thing really will be to learn the lessons of handling cash successfully. Maybe you will flash it around a little too extravagantly to boost your self esteem. You will want to impress everyone around, but try to save for security as well. Certainly you will fight to defend your rights and to get your due, but do not be too possessive. Flow with the bounty of the universe and it will flow back in your direction.


Everyone around should be responding well to your presence since you are so warm and outgoing. You will be bringing a real breath of sunshine into rooms when you sweep in. Your constitution should feel stronger than usual. But this is also the time of year to lay down plans for the next 12 months. Work out what will suit you, get cracking with plans and once you have got yourself together, you can concentrate on close relationships


There are some projects that you did not have the time to finish yesterday and you can complete them today, but you know that you cannot do it by yourself. Enlist the help of your friends, family members they would love to help you, don't forget about the kids they like to help also. Expect the unexpected in partnership matters. Marriage and all partnerships should bring your material, monetary, or social benefits. Luck is on the side of your partner today. Have them purchase your lottery tickets if you want to take a chance at their luck.


You could run into some opposition on your way to thinking, but turn on that personal charm and a little chit chat can help the matter to be cleared up. Creative dreams and intuitive insights help you with important decisions about a work project. Share these ideas with someone you trust such as your partner. Don't tell just anyone, others may have selfish motives for wanting to listen. This is your idea. Don't let others steal it away. It is important that you trust your heart on this one and don't let others take away the dream of success.

Okay, I know most of it doesn't make sense, but try to translate it into normal English using that very smart brain of yours.

Anna xx

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