Message to everyone xx

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Okay, so... I'm breathing. xD

G'day readers! 

I am so happy about all of you readers. You guys are so loyal! I cannot thank you enough because words can't explain everything.

Yes, I have been on a few small trips and I've been stressing out (not really but you know the feeling). I'm so sorry about not updating. 

*le lateness* HAPPY BELATED NEW YEARR!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME, I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. I actually can't believe you guys use your time to read this astrology stuff.

I mean, you're L E A R N I N G astrology. Who would waste their time learning? (me, of course)



So now that I've seen most of your 2016 goals, I would like to share mine.

As a Taurus, my 2016 goal is to get rid of my bad habits and do better in my studies.

Anna xx

(Does anyone have a nickname for me? xDD I'll probably use it.)

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