Zodiac Signs When They Get Tired!

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Taurus: "ZzZzZzZzZzZz" *Falls asleep on the spot*

Gemini: "I've been awake for 24 hours but no big deal, more about you right?" *Stares blankly while you talk to them*

Cancer: "I neeeeed sleeeeeep. Waaaaahhhhhh!" *Does everything slowly and half-assed*

Leo: "Okay that's very interesting and all but I am REALLY lacking on my beauty sleep. It's hard to be this amazing all the time." *Tries to stay awake and gets grumpy*

Virgo: "No one works as hard as me...I am so exhausted.. literally EVERYTHING is ANNOYING ME RIGHT NOW." *Keeps complaining*

Libra: "Who needs sleep when I have so much to do?? I need to stay awake!" *Finds something to do to keep them awake, ends up leaving their phone in the refrigerator and forgetting where it is*

Scorpio: "Look, I don't have time for this. I am sleep deprived and THIS CLOSE TO PUNCHING YOU IN YOUR FACE! If you keep talking I will..." *Falls asleep mid-sentence*

Sagittarius: "I'm sorry but I am just so tired right now I can't even talk." *Whines and gives up*

Capricorn: "I see. Well... I have been so busy doing way more important things with my time that I have BARELY had a chance to sleep, so excuse me." *Cranky AF*

Aquarius: "Huh? I'm sorry, were you talking to me? What time is it?" *Confused about everything and droopy eyed*

Pisces: "......." *Leaves and ignores everyone*

Anna xx

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