Answers for the asks!

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ASKERS: thebigolive mysteriesgirl16 Astrology_freak101 SkylarTina2020

**** note that these answers are quite stereotypical.****


Q: Dear Aries, how long do you usually stay up at night?

A: Well, usually I would stay up quite late. So maybe like, 10-1 PM


Q: Dear Taurus, how do you react to rude people? 

A: If someone is being rude, I would be passive aggressive and just try to hint that they are being rude.


Q: Dear Gemini, how outgoing are you?

A: I guess I am very outgoing. I like to talk a lot, though hehe...

Q: Dear Gemini, are you awesome?

A: WELL HELL YEAH. *Puts on flashy sunglasses*


Q: Dear Cancer, what do you feel about waking up early?

A: I feel REALLY tired when waking up early. I would usually go back to sleep after five seconds of opened eyes. But if it is on a day I feel like waking up, then that is a different story.

Q: Dear Cancer, does anyone ever call you bipolar?

A: Well, no. I haven't lived a whole life yet. I do have really crazy mood swings, though.


Q: Dear Leo, what is your reaction to nasty school lunches?

A: "What the hell is this stuff?" *Runs for school leader and the lunches are now McDonalds*


Q: Dear Virgo, what subject in school do you excel at?

A: It's really not up to me to say that I excel in one subject. (Most of the time, it would be the main subjects)


Q: Dear Libra, how often do you shop? If you do, is it usually online?

A: I shop quite a lot, both online and the malls. It's usually for clothes or food.


Q: Dear Scorpio, are you not afraid if getting AIDS or STD's when you're f***ing a person?

A: That... Is probably none of anyone's business. 

Q: Dear Scorpio, how active usually are you?

A: It depends on my mood, I guess.


Q: Dear Sagittarius, who is closest to you? (eg friends, sibling, etc)

A: I would have to say that I'm closest to my family. Mostly my siblings.


Q: Dear Capricorn, how creative are you?

A: Everyone says I'm very creative. So maybe like 9.5/10 creative?


Q: Dear Aquarius, how often are your horoscopes accurate?

A: I would say most of the time because I know what I'm looking for and I know how to read them properly. (Most Aquarians are horoscope makers so... BOW DOWN TO THE ALMIGHTY AQUARIUS)


Q: Dear Pisces, how do you react to tv show finales?

A: I get really excited, but sometimes, when the whole thing ends, I get sad about the fact that it has ended.

Q: Dear Pisces, how high is your grades because you tend to always dream?

A: I would say they are okay. My grades can get high, but it depends on my study time.

That was quite a lot. Huge thanks to thebigolive for asking EVERY sign a question. 

Anna xx

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