the signs running a marathon

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Aries: never stops and probably comes in first but endangers themselves in the process

Taurus: takes tons of breaks and carbo-loads to the max, but gets tired towards the end

Gemini: doesn't run the marathon, instead has a nice little picnic right next to it

Cancer: stops to make sure a squirrel isn't trampled and comes in last

Leo: looks super cool but comes in towards the bottom b/c they stop to talk to someone on the way, still tells all of their friends they came in first, but no one believes them

Virgo: trains their entire lives for the marathon and gets into the Olympics

Libra: ditches the marathon and goes on a date with another runner

Scorpio: plays dirty and manages to make all of their opponents forfeit

Sagittarius: gets distracted but still manages to come in 2nd

Capricorn: doesn't come in first but manages to convince everyone that they did

Aquarius: brings a hover board to the marathon and gets disqualified

Pisces: stops to help someone who scraped their knee and comes in close to last but gets an honorable mention  

Anna xx

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