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As QueenOfHearts91 mentioned, Ophiuchus is not a sign.

NASA is trying to mess up astrology because they think astrology isn't real or is fake. If Ophiuchus was added, our traits wouldn't be the same anymore. I have ranted about this before, but just to be clear, OPHIUCHUS IS A CONSTELLATION. If we have 12 months, we would have 12 signs not FREAKING 13. 

NASA is truly amazing, but they should not interfere with astrology. Go back to astronomy, NASA!

The 12 signs correspond to the seasons, NOT constellations. And plus, if Ophiuchus was added, the zodiac seasons would change to 7 days per season. Too short? I thought so.


I will be putting this book on hiatus as I am going to publish all of the questions in my queue at the same time.

See you guys soon! (Or maybe in my other books)

Astrologer Anna xx

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