dragging the signs

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source: swizzlastrology via tumblr


Aries: just because you talk loud doesn't mean you're right.
You are very aggressive and stubborn but you can't even make a valid point.
Please stop acting like you "just attract drama" and "can't help it"
Because you create the drama and like attention ffs just be honest
Taurus: You are so fucking stubborn.
To be honest it's a pain in the ass, please learn to act less like a brat and accept that you can't be right every time.
Also stop acting like you are a saint, because that act doesn't really work for you.
Gemini: oh my lord. Fucking hypocrites, like I can't even.
For example; You'll get mad when someone talks shit about you
But when you talk shit about them it's ok?
You aren't God jfc, get over yourself
Also control your mood swings, you're confusing as fuck and that's why no one gets you
So fix that and stop complaining about how you and your feelings are being "misunderstood"
Cancer: So so so so sensitive,
Like it's one of your best traits but also your worst
You cry about everything and you always act like you're the victim.
Maybe it works when you're 5 but when you're all grown up people will just see you as childish and immature.
Playing the victim won't help you in the real world.
Leo: hm i don't even know where to start, you are soooo full of yourself
You make friends to stay relevant and when you're done with them you just drop them.
You are kinda loud just like Aries.
you'll tell someone they are pretty and as soon as they turn around you'll just make fun of them
Virgo: you guys always want to be in control of all kinds of projects.
You like to have everything clean, neat and figured out.
You'll boil up your irritations when someone doesn't do something your way or "the right way" and then just explode and complain about everything
It isn't healthy and you come off as rude and unthankful.
Libra: You can be so two faced, honestly you're everything that the gemini gets hated for, and most people don't even realise it.
You act like you're so holy but talk mad shit and create soooo much drama, but somehow manage to stay out of it?
Scorpio: You have terrible mood swings.
And it's because you act tougher than you are, but you can't keep up the facade
You'll act all strong and shit and like you don't have any feelings.
But when you're all alone you could cry yourself to sleep.
The most sensitive of all the signs
Please stop hiding it because this whole tough and no emotions act makes you look unapproachable, nobody wants to be friends with some mechanic robot with unbreakable walls around them
Sagittarius: You are really what people say.
You just don't give a single shit about anyone's feelings except your own.
You'll pick out someone and make them love you because it's just for "fun", but as soon as they'll say the 3 words you just flee and go onto the next one.
You can drop the important people in your life without a single second of doubt, you're so impulsive
Watch out because you'll regret it
Capricorn: cold shits, you are almost incapable of loving.
You don't focus on the people around you, people are here for you
And all you do is put them aside to do the things that you want.
Every step you take is to reach another and higher destination.
But one day all of that will fade away and you'll be all alone because you ignored the ones that loved you and pushed them aside
Aquarius: You want to be unique so fucking bad.
No one is allowed to do something you do or steal something you already did.
Everyone else is boring and not good enough and basic.
You cut people off as soon as they say or do anything unoriginal.
You look down on people and it's not attractiv, stop it please you aren't God
Pisces: Every sweet thing you do is fake.
It's just to make people feel bad for you as soon as you fuck up (and you fuck up a lot)
As soon as someone gets mad at you you'll curl up into a little ball and act like they're the bad guy
They hurt you, you did all those things for them.
You're the type to make people feel bad for you being an asshole


there's always a negative for every sign ~

anna xx

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