REQUESTED: What signs the Undertale Characters would have

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This chapter was requested by JokingAcademy

Frisk: Taurus - stubborn, loyal

Chara: Scorpio - is known as the astrological sister of Taurus, so it would make sense...

Sans: Gemini - punny, two sides of him

Papyrus: Pisces - nice and won't stop believing in you

Toriel: Virgo - mother... ?

Asgore: Sagittarius - very nice, yet, stubborn. not like Frisk though.

Asriel (in all forms): Capricorn - seems evil at first.

Grillby: Cancer - quiet, and kind.

Napstablook: Scorpio - gives off a 'mysterious' aura, will chill with you.

Mettaton: Libra - fabulous (edit: can also be Leo)


Alphys: Pisces - uwaa~ kawaii desu~

Undyne: Aries - passionate, brave and aggressive.

These are just characters that came to mind. 

*Sorry for the self-promotion below. Skip it if you like (or can).*

Anyway. I have released a fanfic of Undertale and it's pretty decent so far. I'm now working on my second chapter.

If you haven't seen the book 'Intelligence', check my profile and have a look. Here is a sneak peek of the first chapter...


Her breathing became irregular with every step, but she stayed determined. Anna forced herself to look up, instead of at her shoes and suddenly, she stopped. She was already at the sentry station. Was she not outside of Grillby's a minute ago?

It should've taken at least 20 minutes to get here... Unusual.

Papyrus and Sans were nowhere to be seen. I'll just wait, Anna thought.

Bored, Anna decided to play with the snow a bit. She's never used her power, or so she thought, but for once she had decided to force herself to use it.

Pulling the energy from her pink soul, she tried to create a mini map of Snowdin with the snow. Anna imagined every shop, house and place in Snowdin and managed to create a map.

Anna shook herself a bit to prevent the cold from freezing her but the snow got caught in her fur anyway. She didn't notice that her jacket was gone.

She took a good look at the map and everything was exact... Even where the monsters were. Every one of them was moving around and having a good time.

"ANNA! WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU DOING?!" Papyrus shouted. Anna flinched and threw the snow on her paws at Papyrus. Sans snickered from behind and it slowly grew into a really loud laugh.


Yes, for my OC, I had used my name because why not? I mean, I don't feel like it would suit the story at the moment.

Hope y'all like it. Make sure you play the game or watch someone play it. Well, you don't have to. You can just read it without knowing the original plot, but y'know it's easier to understand once you play the game or watch someone play it.


Have a nice day everyone!

Anna xx

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