rising sign+ physical appearance

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source: sleepy-zodiacs via tumblr

Aries: Taller than average, spindly body, elongated face and neck. Generally have red or sandy blonde hair. Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced.

Taurus: Solidly built and usually of average height. Square faces and short necks. The eyes are very prominent. Hair has a tendency to be light shades of brown. Their shoulders are broad and the chest is thick.

Gemini: The body is usually slender, poised and slightly less than average height. Very thin, chicken-like legs. Arms tend to be long and wiry. Oftentimes there is a cleft in the chin or the nose. Hair is generally shades of brown.

Cancer: Curvy and generally broad hipped as they can carry some weight in that region. Height is generally shorter than average. Arms and legs are perceived as stout. Round faced with a profile similar to the curve of a crescent moon. There may be a noticeable "spring" in the way they walk.

Leo: Tall, broad-shouldered and wide framed. Adults tend to carry a tiny bit of weight. Hair is light. They have a broad smile and regal way of walking. They generally have very generous faces.

Virgo: The body is average height and weight and tends to be very angular but solid. Wide shoulders and hips are common. Small but nicely sculpted facial features. Fair and smooth complexion with a very nice bone structure. Graceful way of walking.

Libra: The body in commonly tall and slender. Hair is usually dark and curly but very well kept. Very beautiful. Facial features are shaped nicely and lips are defined. Features are usually rounded.

Scorpio: Above average height but not necessarily tall. Stout figure, often perceived as "stuffed". Eyes are prominent, piercing and large. Hair is dark, thick and coarse. "Roman" style nose. Quick, bouncy way of walking.

Sagittarius: Distinguished looking. Tall and large but not overweight. The face is round and "happy" but slightly elongated. The teeth tend to be large and protruding. Hair is dark. Tendency to drag their feet.

Capricorn: Height is generally between average and slightly shorter than average. Very lean body with the exception of the legs which may be very heavy. Small, fox-like facial features. Hair is very dark, verging on black.

Aquarius: What one would call "striking". Height is between average and tall. Build is full and squared. Long waist. Very symmetrical feature which will make them appear more beautiful. Their walk is unpredictable and sudden.

Pisces: Small body but well proportioned. Appendages are usually short. Dainty hands. Big, dreamy eyes accompanied with long, thick lashes. Lips are soft and the nose is well sculpted.

question for y'all (if you fabulous beings even see this): what feature do you love most about your sun sign ?

personally, i like that my sun sign is pretty stubborn -- like, you've gotta stick to what you wanna do right ?

anna xx

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