Moon Signs

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As requested. So, I'm just going to have the basics because you probably won't understand me.

Aries Moon: They are most likely to burst out their emotions and the way they think can be quite stubborn like Taureans. Aries Moon tend to be energetic and they are quite masculine.

Taurus Moon: Stubborn and lazy. Very loyal and ambiverted. They like to indulge themselves with luxuries and anything that is worth quite a lot. Feminine.

Gemini Moon: More likely to be two-faced. They sometimes get spaced out and sometimes think dark thoughts. Like to keep others happy. Masculine.

Cancer Moon: Tend to be quite emotional. Kind, but their kindness is usually taken as weakness. They want to be loved, but it takes them a while to get over things. Feminine.

Leo Moon: Very sassy. Egotistical but very kind with friends. Think they're never enough. Masculine.

Virgo Moon: Very smart. Quite bossy, but they know what they want. Always stressed because they're pressuring themselves. Feminine.

Libra Moon: Almost like Taurus. They tend to go shopping quite a lot. Very talkative. Masculine.

Scorpio Moon: They think darkly but when they are with their friends, they sometimes talk about their thoughts. Hard to read. Can seem mean. Feminine.

Sagittarius Moon: Never act themselves. Only act themselves with close friends or family. They tend to be quite flaky. Thinks that their friends will like them if they act similar or fake their likes and hates. Can be more stubborn than Taurus sometimes. Masculine.

Capricorn Moon: Also smart. Can be quite bossy. Never wants to be alone. Feminine.

Aquarius Moon: SUPER DETACHED. (cough, cough. not me) Very unusual, original. Quite stubborn. Smart, apparently. Masculine.

Pisces Moon: Dreams a lot. Creative. Emotional. Feminine.

I'M BACK. Now, get ready for some spam ;)

Anna xx

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